“If you don’t do Macro, Macro will do you.” — Successful Investors’ Maxim.
Deepcaster does Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals, & Macro.
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Recent Alerts
Since we first recommended them a few days ago one Buy Reco has hit an All-time-High
And the other two have launched to Multi-year Highs
And all three are Likely to generate MULTI-100% PROFITS in the Next few months!!
So there is STILL TIME TO BUY.
Just log in to Deepcaster to see these three Buy Recos moving toward Multi-100% Profits!!
1/31/2025 – But first recall that Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades & Investments for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by ‘Official’ Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com as we often do.
For example, re Shadowstats, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is ‘Fake’ as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and Forecasts!
And login to see our Buy Recos aimed at MEGA 100% Profits
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently
Click here to: Subscribe On-Line using a Credit Card.. To subscribe using a Check via Postal Mail (Be sure to tell us which subscriber option desired as shown in Subscribe On-Line list.): mail check to
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5 Third Street # 608
San Francisco, CA 94103
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Forecasts for Multi-100% Profits Sectors plus Protection!
We recommend 3 Sectors with Multi-100% Profit Probability in this Alert! Buy Reco!
01/18/2025 –But first recall that Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades & Investments for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by ‘Official’ Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com as we do today
For example, re Shadowstats, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is ‘Fake’ as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and FOUR Forecasts!
And login to see our Buy Recos aimed at MEGA Profits
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently
January 2025 Letter
High Probability Major Moves Forecasts
12/27/2024 – Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades & Investments for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by ‘Official’ Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com and others
And recently we provided FOUR sources for forecasts all of whom generally agree on the forecast impending MEGA Move
For example, re Shadowstats, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is ‘Fake’ as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and FOUR Forecasts!
But since we provided Four sources for out Forecasts recently certain of those Forecasts are NOW predicting HIGHLY PROBABLE MARKET MOVES! And those Market Moves are likely coming VERY SOON!
So login to Deepcaster.com to see our Buy Recos aimed at MEGA PROFIT AND PROTECTION! from the impending HIGHLY PROBABLE MEGA Moves and specifically how to GREATLY PROFIT AND PROTECT!
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently.
[Please look under “2024 Letters”]
Prior Alerts
Mega move Impending
Multi Source Guide for Mega Profits & Protection!
12/13/2024 – Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades & Investments for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by ‘Official’ Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com as we do today
And today we provide FOUR sources for forecasts all of whom generally agree on the forecast impending MEGA Move
For example, re Shadowstats, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is ‘Fake’ as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and FOUR Forecasts!
And login to see our Buy Recos aimed at MEGA Profit from the impending MWGA Move
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently.
MEGA Profiting & Protecting from
11/18/2024 – Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.. SEE OUR BUY RECOS aimed at PROFIT & PROTECTION in our recent Letters and Alerts !!
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by “Official” Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com
For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is “Fake” as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and our Essential Forecasts!
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently. But NOW Investors and all Citizens face several of the Greatest IMPENDING Crises and resulting MEGA Moves we have ever faced!
So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see our Forecasts for Impending Mega Moves and our latest Buy Reco which allows investors to profit and protect from THE DANGER BUBBLE!!
8% Yield & Multi 100% Upside Potential Buy Reco!!
10/18/2024 – Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.. SEE OUR BUY RECOS aimed at PROFIT & PROTECTION in our recent Letters and Alerts !!
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by “Official” Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com
For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is “Fake” as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and our Essential Forecasts!
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently. But NOW Investors and all Citizens face several of the Greatest IMPENDING Crises and resulting MEGA Moves we have ever faced!
So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see our Forecasts for Impending Mega Moves and our latest Buy Reco which allows investors to profit from both Yield and Appreciation even despite Mega Losses in the economy and markets!!
Profit During Nearly All Crises w. this Buy Reco!
10/4/2024 – Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.. SEE OUR BUY RECOS aimed at PROFIT & PROTECTION in our recent Letters and Alerts !!
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by ‘Official’ Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com
For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is ‘Fake’ as well. So log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and our Essential Forecasts!
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently.But NOW Investors and all Citizens face several of the Greatest IMPENDING Crises and resulting MEGA Moves we have ever faced!
So log in to Deepcaster.com to see our Essential! Forecasts for Impending Mega Moves and latest Buy Reco which allows investors to profit during nearly all Crises
and avoid Mega Losses!
In sum, MORE Crises are likely coming VERY soon and our Buy
Reco provides Great potential for HUGE Gains and avoiding Losses!
Monster move Impending — 2 Buy Recos for Huge Profits!! & Protection!!
9/27/24 – Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified several subsectors and made profitable Buy Recos.. SEE OUR BUY RECOS aimed at PROFIT & PROTECTION in our recent Letters and Alerts !!
Consider that Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades & Investments for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by ‘Official’ Mainstream Media sources, usually for Political purposes. Therefore, we regularly provide Key REAL Econ Numbers courtesy of Shadowstats.com as we do today
For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is actually much higher! And other crucial data is ‘Fake’ as well. So, log in to Deepcaster.com to see the REAL Inflation numbers and other Key Econ and Markets Data and our Essential Forecasts!
And remember that Deepcaster.com subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit just last spring and 45% & 175% recently.
Some Early Days Headlines from DEEPCASTER
Real News NOW for Profit & Protection
Key Mainstream Financial Media are often complicit in suppressing or outright distorting Critical Economic, Market and other important News.
Such is the case today and thus we rectify that by reporting critically important Real News for You Today NOW for your Profit & Protection.
Key Sectors Turning—Forecasts:
Equities; Commodities; US$/Euro, Gold & Silver; Interest Rates
Key Sectors are sending critical Turn Signals this week — essential to consider for our Forecasts and for Profit and Protection going forward. (See our Buy Recommendations.)
The US$ eroded from 97 basis USDX three months ago to 95ish now on economic weakness and Fed easing.
Profitably Surmounting Looming Risks — BUY RECO
Of the many Risks which loom in the apparently Bullish Markets these days, there are two which loom increasingly larger.
And the Technicals tell us these Risks could Manifest themselves very soon.
“Total U.S. Debt is over 3 times GDP.”
Sheila Bair, Former Chair of FOIC, 4/12/2019, Fox Business
While it is clear that Ms. Bair meant National and Business and Individual Debt combined, the ratio itself is extremely concerning.
As we have documented, The Fed’s easy money policies of recent years have led to mass over-leveraging and thus inflated financial Asset prices. One could call it the “Debt Bomb”.
Next Major Moves Coming Soon; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities
Deepcaster forecasts the Next Major Moves Coming and their likely Timing. We are able to do this because of our focus on the Big Four: Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and, especially, Macro Factors.
Consider that Deepcaster’s earlier correct Forecasts now being fulfilled are:
- Major Equities Leg Down has occurred
- FAANG Stocks Tanking
- Volatility Dramatically Increasing …
The Destroyer Cometh Very Soon — How to Profit & Protect
The Destroyer Cometh Very Soon — How to Protect and Profit.
“The USA is just closing the Books on its first Trillion $$ Annual Budget Deficit”
IBD 12/3/18.
“Given the rate of increase in The National Debt, US Debt Interest will hit $1 Trillion annually in a Decade.”
“And the Budget Deficit will Top $$2 Trillion in a Decade if current trends continue.”
Non-U.S. Holders of U.S. Debt dropped from over 50% of that Debt to 40% recently.
U.S. Debt to GDP is now over 100%. Other Major Countries’ Debt to GDP is even higher, e.g., China, has over 200% Debt to GDP.
“Deepcaster is knee-deep in wisdom & wise advice. Congrats! Warmest wishes.”
Uncle Harry Schultz, legendary Investor and Newsletter Writer
RE: Deepcaster’s 1/11/13 article: “Gain from Power Elite’s Key Sector Price Inflation”
“This issue is surely one of your best. Am sending to some friends.”
Uncle Harry Schultz, Legendary Investor and Newsletter Writer
RE: Deepcaster’s 7/20/12 article: “Reality Therapy for Abused Investors”
“This is breathlessly brilliant. U have exceeded yourself.”
Uncle Harry Schultz, Legendary Investor and Newsletter Writer
RE: Deepcaster’s 3/15/12 article: “Two Critical Investment Keys Going Forward”