Mega-Moves then Reversals Coming — How to Profit & Protect—& Buy Reco

Mega-Moves then Reversals Coming — How to Profit & Protect—& Buy Reco  

See April 2023 Letter

3/31/2023 – Mainstream Media Distortions and outright lies would have you deny Key Realities: that Inflation will likely continue to Intensify for a while and the Economy will continue to Stagnate into a Recession or Depression.

One continuing Risk:  Applying the average Duration of Bonds in Regional Bank Portfolios (3.9 Years) their losses as of Dec 2022 are $1.7 Trillion

But the Good News is that in recent Letters and Alerts Deepcaster has recommended purchasing Key Assets for Profit and Protection despite the Intensifying Stagflation and Risks

In the past March Letter we SUMMARIZED ALL of them and added one more in light of SOARING RISKS in one Area.  In this April Letter we identify Key Market Moving Forces impending and .how to profit and protect & provide a BUY RECO to be held short term

Be aware, The Cartel is hard at work, so in this April letter we identify a Key Index which is ready for a Mega Move very soon and then a Mega Reversal a few days after that

So log in to to see  our pick for the Key Index likely to start into a Mega-Move then reverse a few days after that and our Essential Summary for Profit and Protection going forward.,

And remember that just last Spring subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit in just two months!

p.s. – There is a BUY RECO included in the April Letter …

MEGA Moves coming w Shocking Results & How to Profit & Protect

3/16/2023 – Deepcaster disregards Fake News to help subscribers Profit and Protect

Consider e.g. the MSM claim that the recent FDIC bailout of ALL SVB et. al. depositers accounts will not cost taxpayers/small (under $250K) depositers anything.

NONSENSE. FDIC bailouts are accomplished using money from Bank Fees paid to FDIC. But who pays Bank Fees– ALL DEPOSITERS/TAXPAYERS!! and, moreover, that is Inflationary!!

  • And there are even more Powerful Mega-Events and Mega-Moves coming VERY Soon
  • And Deepcaster reveals them and how to aim to Profit and Protect (despite the Threats they pose) in Deepcasters recent Letters and Alerts
  • And focus on the SHOCKING Fed Announcement of 3/15/23 which has been SUPPRESSED by the MSM!

To see them log into to

And recall that Deepcaster subscribers were very recently able to take 150% Profit on one of our Buy Recos, and 300%, 100% and 350% in two months just last Spring

Very Best,  Deepcaster

Take about 150% Profit today, Now

Certain commodities which Deepcaster earlier recommended are holding up well despite the intensifying Stagflation and broader Equities Markets woes.

But now is the time to Sell half of your position in this commodity for about a 150% profit.

And remember that just last Spring subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit in just two months!

So log in to NOW to see which commodity position to sell for about a 150% profit.

Kudos! – Deepcaster    03/08/2023

Key Assets for Profit & Protection in Intensifying Stagflation & RISKS!! See March Letter

3/2/2023 – Mainstream Media Distortions and outright lies would have you deny Key Realities: that Inflation will continue to Intensify and the Economy will continue to Stagnate into a Recession or Depression. For accurate Data see

But the Good News is that in recent Letters and Alerts Deepcaster has recommended purchasing Key Assets for Profit and Protection despite the Intensifying Stagflation and Risks

And in this March Letter we SUMMARIZE ALL of them and add one more in light of SOARING RISKS in one Area. So log in to to see this Essential Summary for Profit and Protection going forward.

And remember that just last Spring subscribers were able to take 300%, 100% and 350% Profit in just two months!

Very best,   Deepcaster

p.s. – There is a RECO included in the March Letter

Corrections of Fake Econ & Markets “Data” plus our Recos to Enable Profit & Protection 

2/24/2023 – Readers of Deepcaster’s Book know that the Title “Profiting and Protecting from the Greatest  Market Threats, Cartel Interventions, & Fake Economic News” says it all re analyzing what is coming and how to Profit and Protect.

NOW, heading into March, 2023 is another PIVOTAL TIME and we can soon expect MEGA-MOVES coming thick and fast VERY SOON

This week we present two analyses of Fake Economic and Markets News and Data, and provide the Real News and Data, and the resulting Forecasts, and our Buy Recos., to put you in a much better position to profit and protect from the IMPENDING MEGA MOVES.

Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation and the stagnating economy in recent letters and Alerts. But we also earlier identified four subsectors and specific Buy Recos, which will likely provide Investors with Profit and Protection during the Intensifying Stagflation.

Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades and Investments for our Subscribers. It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by “Official” sources, usually for Political purposes. For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! It is much higher! And other crucial data is “Fake” as well.

So log in to to see the REAL Inflation number and other Key Econ and Markets Data and our Forecasts & Buy Recos.

Regarding Key Indicators it is important to recall that in just two months this past Spring Deepcaster Subscribers were able to take 300%,100%, and 350% Profit.

Very Best, Deepcaster


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