Take over 300% Profit today NOW! — Deepcaster Alert — Happy Valentines Day!!



Take 300% Profit Today – As in Right NOW

   By early 2020 it had become clear to Deepcaster that The Fed was artificially keeping interest rates too low and that therefore many companies were loading up with debt which could never be repaid if interest rates and/or inflation spiked.   And we thought then that both Inflation and rates would spike and the NASDAQ would crater


   Therefore we recommended putting on a leveraged short play on the NASDAQ  —  SQQQ


  Now the aforementioned spikes are occurring and SQQQ has more than tripled since we recommended putting it on.  Therefore we make the following Recommendation to consider:


  Sell half your holdings of SQQQ @ $40/share or better


   That should result in more than 300% Profit for you if you bought it when we recommended it.


  Happy Valentines Day!


Monster Move Coming Very Soon! — Deepcaster February Letter

February 2022 Letter

Monster Move Coming Very Soon!



A very successful long time Investment Advisor recently forecast that a Monster Move was coming very soon in  Key Markets’


Deepcaster agrees.  To see what it is so you can Profit and Protect log in at Deepcaster.com!


  Indeed Deepcaster has also already forecast this Monster Move.   But why have others missed it?


The unfortunate truth is that many investors and traders rely on Fake or distorted Data and other Financial “News” to make investment decisions much to their detriment.  This Fake Data and “News” comes both from “Official” sources and from the Woke (Indoctrination) Mainstream Media


    Therefore, it is essential that at this critical time our subscribers have access   to accurate Real Econ. Data and News as well as other salient Realities e.g. about The Fed-led Cartel so they can maximize the chances of Profiting and Protecting


 For example,  Deepcaster months ago forecast that we were moving into Inflation intensifying into Hyperinflation.

  And we were right :  Shadowstats.com recently reported that Real Inflation was 14.9%!!  Thus Shadowstats corrected the BLS Political Numbers


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2022 possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ.Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial profits in recent months as high as 110% in January, 75% in March 2020.  80% in May, 2021, 50% on November 30, 2021, and 65% in January 2022 !.


Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days


So Log in to Deepcaster.com to see the Impending Monster Move


Very best,  Deepcaster  2/8/22

9% Yield Inflation “loving” BUY RECO — Deepcaster Alert  



9% Yield Inflation “loving” BUY RECO — Deepcaster Alert    


The unfortunate truth is that many investors and traders rely on Fake or distorted Data and other Financial “News” to make investment decisions much to their detriment.  This Fake Data and “News” comes both from “Official” sources and from the Woke (Indoctrination) Mainstream Media


    As we move into 2022, we are at a number of decision points, launch points, and turning points.


    Therefore, it is essential that at this critical time our subscribers have access   to accurate Real Econ. Data and News as well as other salient Realities e.g. about The Fed-led Cartel so they can maximize the chances of Profiting and Protecting


  Deepcaster months ago forecast that we were moving into Inflation intensifying into Hyperinflation.

  And we were right :  Shadowstats.com recently reported that Real Inflation was 14.9%!!


  So the question immediately arises  — What assets perform well in a hyperinflationary environment?

  Deepcaster has already made recommendations in this regard,  and today we have another.

  It is a stock which has a 9% yield and is likely to do well in an increasingly inflationary environment.

  The only qualifier to this is that it would likely not do so well in a hyper-stagflationary environment, but we are not there …yet!  So, we make today’s BUY RECO as a multimonth hold.


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2022 possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ.Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial profits in recent months as high as 110% in January, 75% in March 2020.  80% in May, 2021, 50% on November 30, 2021, and 65% in January 2022 !.


Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days


So log in to Deepcaster..com to see our 9% yielding BUY RECO!


Best regards, Deepcaster  1/31/22

Take 65% Profit Today – As in Right NOW



Take 65% Profit Today – As in Right NOW

As Deepcaster correctly Forecast the Equities Markets are in a Mega-Crash Leg Mode today.

And if you bought TWM (Proshares ultrashort Russell 2000) when we recommended it you should be up about 65% now

So, Deepcaster’s Recommendation to Consider:

Sell half your position in TWM today NOW!

Congratulations  Deepcaster   1/24/22

Deepcaster Forecast Fulfilled! — Forecast for Next Mega-Move



Deepcaster Forecast Fulfilled! — Forecast for Next Mega-Move


   For the past few weeks we have been forecasting a VERY MAJOR MOVE in the markets and in recent days that forecast is being fulfilled..


  But what is next?  ANOTHER MEGA MOVE IS NEXT and it is coming very soon.  Log on to Deepcaster.com to see it and prepare to profit and protect from it.


.After you have logged in we encourage you to review our Letters and Alerts to see the accurate Real Econ. Data and News which provide the basis for these moves, as well as other salient Realities e.g. about The Fed-led Cartel, so you can maximize the chances of Profiting and Protecting


  You will see that as we moved into 2022 we revealed Key “Nuggets” essential for Profit and Protection including One SPECTACULAR ECONOMIC REALITY UNREPORTED BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA but ESSENTIAL to know to maximize Profit and Protection.


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2022 possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ.Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial profits in recent months as high as 110% in January, 75% in March 2020.  80% in May, 2021, 50% on November 30, 2021, and 35% in January 2022 !.


Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days


So log in to Deepcaster..com to see “Nuggets” of Real Data, Real News and other Realities including the SPECTACULAR ONE essential to profit and protect as we move into 2022


And above all when you log in you will get to see Deepcaster’s next Forecast Mega-Move


 Best regards  Deepcaster   1/21/22


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