Mega-Profit Potential & Crash Resistant BUY RECO


We expect a Multi-Leg Equities Market Crash and greatly increased Economic Challenges in the Next Few Months.

Therefore, Deepcaster is recommending a Portfolio of Stocks having Mega-Profit Potential and Crash Resistance.

First BUY RECO identified today — a BUY RECO NOT in the Precious Metals Sector, see Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Mega-Profit Potential & Crash Resistant BUY RECO” on

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Multi-100% Profit Potential Via BTD Strategy, see Note 1.

Regarding Impediments to Profit in Volatile Markets, see Note 2.

Regarding Fundamentals, Macros, and Interventionals, see Note 3.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 4 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

June 13, 2019

Note 1: Rarely does an opportunity like the one we describe today present itself — a Multi-100% Profit Potential via our BTD Strategy.

And we offer a BUY RECO aimed at realizing that huge Profit Potential. See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Multi-100% Profit Potential Via BTD Strategy – BUY RECO”  on

Note 2: Surmounting Impediments to Profit and Wealth Protection in increasingly Volatile Markets also requires Understanding and Surmounting Threats to Freedom, Personal Protection and Privacy, though these Threats are not always obvious.

In our June Letter, Deepcaster exposes several Main Threats and indicates how to help Surmount them and thus enhance Opportunities for Profit and Wealth Protection, Freedom, Personal Protection, and Privacy, Latest Letter & Archives on

Note 3: Regarding Fundamentals, Macros, and Interventionals,— all are reflected in Key Technical Indicators signaling Impending Mega Moves in Key Sectors.

Consider these and how to Profit and Protect in Deepcaster’s Alert,  “Mega-Signals of Impending Mega-Moves,” in Alerts Cache on

Note 4: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Multi-100% Profit Potential Via BTD Strategy – BUY RECO


Rarely does an opportunity like the one we describe today present itself — a Multi-100% Profit Potential via our BTD Strategy.

And we offer a BUY RECO aimed at realizing that huge Profit Potential. See Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Multi-100% Profit Potential Via BTD Strategy – BUY RECO”  on

Regarding Surmounting Impediments to Profit in Volatile Markets, see Note 1.

Regarding Fundamentals, Macros, and Interventionals, see Note 2.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 3 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

June 7, 2019

Note 1: Surmounting Impediments to Profit and Wealth Protection in increasingly Volatile Markets also requires Understanding and Surmounting Threats to Freedom, Personal Protection and Privacy, though these Threats are not always obvious.

In our June Letter, Deepcaster exposes several Main Threats and indicates how to help Surmount them and thus enhance Opportunities for Profit and Wealth Protection, Freedom, Personal Protection, and Privacy, Latest Letter & Archives on

Note 2: Regarding Fundamentals, Macros, and Interventionals,— all are reflected in Key Technical Indicators signaling Impending Mega Moves in Key Sectors.

Consider these and how to Profit and Protect in Deepcaster’s Alert,  “Mega-Signals of Impending Mega-Moves,” in Alerts Cache on

Note 3: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Investing for Freedom, Profit & Wealth Protection


Surmounting Impediments to Profit and Wealth Protection in increasingly Volatile Markets also requires Understanding and Surmounting Threats to Freedom, Personal Protection and Privacy, though these Threats are not always obvious.

In our June Letter, Deepcaster exposes several Main Threats and indicates how to help Surmount them and thus enhance Opportunities for Profit and Wealth Protection, Freedom, Personal Protection, and Privacy, Latest Letter & Archives on

Regarding Fundamentals, Macros, and Interventionals, see Note 1.

Regarding “Essential Knowledge for Maximizing Real Gains in 2019, 2020 and Beyond,” see Notes 2 and 3.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 4 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

May 30, 2019

Note 1: Regarding Fundamentals, Macros, and Interventionals,— all are reflected in Key Technical Indicators signaling Impending Mega Moves in Key Sectors.

Consider these and how to Profit and Protect in Deepcaster’s latest Alert,  “Mega-Signals of Impending Mega-Moves,” in Alerts Cache on

Note 2: Accordingly, Gold and Silver Prices — as Safe Haven Assets protecting from Market Crashes and Inflation — should reflect the aforementioned Monetary Inflation, and indeed they have in certain periods. But owning Gold and Silver is challenging.

That is because the prices of the aforementioned Precious Metals and other commodities, as well as Equities, are, and have for years been, the victims of Interventional Action (i.e., Price Suppression) by a Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers and their Allies and Agents, read “Essential Knowledge for Maximizing Real Gains in 2019, 2020 and Beyond, PART 2,” in Latest Letter & Archives on

Note 3: A brief retrospective look is quite important for making Investment and Trading decisions going forward. Throughout the first 3 quarters of 2018, Equities Markets chopped higher. But come the Fall, 2018 a variety of concerns caused a substantial drop.

Thus, at the beginning of 2019, Investors and Traders were presented with the Issue of what to do to Maximize Real Gains, and avoid losses, in 2019, 2020 and beyond. See Deepcaster’s Letter.

Note 4: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Top 3 Assets for Profiting and Protecting


Markets were triggered and shocked in the second Quarter, 2018, when the yield on the Bellwether U.S. Treasury 10-Year Note shot up to 3.0%ish which resulted mainly from Fed Chair Powell’s hinting at the possibility of 4 rate hikes in 2018, in which subsequently were made.

But then, in January 2019, Economic Realities caused The Fed to pause indefinitely which caused the Note to strengthen and the yield to drop to 2.4%ish.

The first Big Crash Leg (see our Forecasts) will be intensified by the Massive Sovereign, Business, and Individual Debts. In response to that Crash Leg, The Fed will have to start “printing” via QE again and this will initiate a $US Devaluation (of Purchasing Power).

By the time you read this, other Triggers with Mega Consequences may have detonated the Rocket launch of the Top 3 Assets for Profit and Protection.

Read this week’s Alert to see what they are and to Prepare to Profit and Protect. Also see the notes below and our May 17th Alert.

Best Regards,

May 24, 2019

Note 1: Accordingly, Gold and Silver Prices — as Safe Haven Assets protecting from Market Crashes and Inflation — should reflect the aforementioned Monetary Inflation, and indeed they have in certain periods. But owning Gold and Silver is challenging.

That is because the prices of the aforementioned Precious Metals and other commodities, as well as Equities, are, and have for years been, the victims of Interventional Action (i.e., Price Suppression) by a Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers and their Allies and Agents, read “Essential Knowledge for Maximizing Real Gains in 2019, 2020 and Beyond, PART 2,” in Latest Letter & Archives on

Note 2: A brief retrospective look is quite important for making Investment and Trading decisions going forward. Throughout the first 3 quarters of 2018, Equities Markets chopped higher. But come the Fall, 2018 a variety of concerns caused a substantial drop.

Thus, at the beginning of 2019, Investors and Traders were presented with the Issue of what to do to Maximize Real Gains, and avoid losses, in 2019, 2020 and beyond. See Deepcaster’s Letter.

Note 3: A Key Sector Mega-Reversal is likely very soon. See our Analysis In Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Sector Mega-Reversal Coming!” posted on to prepare to Profit and Protect.

Note 4: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

May Letter Part 2: Real Gains for 2019, 2020 & Beyond; & re Take 32% Profit


Precious Metals Price Suppression

Accordingly, Gold and Silver Prices — as Safe Haven Assets protecting from Market Crashes and Inflation — should reflect the aforementioned Monetary Inflation, and indeed they have in certain periods. But owning Gold and Silver is challenging.

That is because the prices of the aforementioned Precious Metals and other commodities,  are, and have for years been, the victims of Interventional Action (i.e., Price Suppression) by a Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers and their Allies and Agents. Read Part 2 of our May 2019 Letter.

Regarding Maximizing Real Gains in 2019, 2020 and Beyond: May Letter PART 1, see Note 1.

Regarding A Key Sector Mega-Reversal, see Note 2.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Take 32% Profit in just three weeks, see Note 3.

Regarding ramifications for several Market Sectors, see Note 4 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Note 1: A brief retrospective look is quite important for making Investment and Trading decisions going forward. Throughout the first 3 quarters of 2018, Equities Markets chopped higher. But come the Fall, 2018 a variety of concerns caused a substantial drop.

Thus, at the beginning of 2019, Investors and Traders were presented with the Issue of what to do to Maximize Real Gains, and avoid losses, in 2019, 2020 and beyond. See Deepcaster’s latest Letter.

Note 2:A Key Sector Mega-Reversal is likely very soon. See our Analysis In Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Key Sector Mega-Reversal Coming!” posted on to prepare to Profit and Protect.

Note 3: This week, Deepcaster recommended taking 32% Profit on a  major leveraged Volatility ETF, recommended on April 18, 2019 (see Note 4) because of the increasing probability of the realization of volatility-generating developments—China trade tensions, credit defaults, and other Economic, Financial, Political factors—Intensifying as we have detailed in our recent Letters and Alerts.

Note 4: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF in just three weeks on May 7, 2019
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.


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