Big BOT Impending – Act NOW!


All the significant signs point to a Big BOT impending. And it will move Key Sectors Big Time.

Act NOW!

Read Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Big BOT Impending – Act NOW!,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

See also our Recent Letters and Alerts and Deepcaster’s recent Buy Recommendations posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Consider Deepcaster Profits Taken this year, see Note 1.

For Deepcaster’s latest Buy Recommendation, see Note 2.

Regarding Profits Taken on Precious Metals, see Note 3.

See Note 4 regarding the Greatest Climacteric in 50 years.

Regarding The Fed buying Corporate Bonds, see Note 5.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Best regards,

July 16, 2020

Note 1: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken just this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a tracking ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.

Note 2: Deepcaster’s Recent Forecasts that a Climacteric and BIT are coming have generated this week’s Buy Recommendation for Profit and Protection with 100% Plus Profit Potential all in our recent Alert, “Climacteric/BIT Buy Reco for Profit & Protection,”  posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Deepcaster’s forecasts provide subscribers the opportunity to purchase Buy Recommendations which turn profits.

And on June 30th we recommended taking approximately 50% Profit on one of these Buy Recos and we provide Key Forecasts which should provide similar or greater Profits very soon all in our recent Alert, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: The Greatest Economic and Markets Climacteric in at least the last 50 years is Fast Approaching with its likely arrival at any time before the end of this year and probably sooner rather than later. Our Aim here is to provide the factual basis for this Conclusion and to help you prepare to Profit & Protect by making specific Recommendations.

See Deepcaster’s July Letter, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 5: Days ago, The Fed said it would buy Corporate Bond ETFs. Earlier this week The Fed said it would Buy Individual Corporate Bonds! Shocking Enough, but the Mainstream Media (MSM) failed to report on The Major Step toward BIT which this Fed Move Causes. See this Alert.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “BIT is coming, Prepare!,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Climacteric/BIT Buy Reco for Profit & Protection


Deepcaster’s Recent Forecasts that a Climacteric and BIT are coming have generated this week’s Buy Recommendation for Profit and Protection with 100% Plus Profit Potential all in our latest Alert, “Climacteric/BIT Buy Reco for Profit & Protection,”  posted on Deepcaster LLC.

See also our Recent Letters and Alerts and Deepcaster’s recent Buy Recommendations posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Regarding Profits Taken on Precious Metals, see Note 1.

See Note 2 regarding the Greatest Climacteric in 50 years.

Regarding The Fed buying Corporate Bonds, see Note 3.

Real News…see Note 4.

Consider Deepcaster Profits Taken this year, see Note 5.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Best regards,

July 7, 2020

Note 1: Deepcaster’s forecasts provide subscribers the opportunity to purchase Buy Recommendations which turn profits.

And on June 30th we recommended taking approximately 50% Profit on one of these Buy Recos and we provide Key Forecasts which should provide similar or greater Profits very soon all in our recent Alert, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: The Greatest Economic and Markets Climacteric in at least the last 50 years is Fast Approaching with its likely arrival at any time before the end of this year and probably sooner rather than later. Our Aim here is to provide the factual basis for this Conclusion and to help you prepare to Profit & Protect by making specific Recommendations.

See Deepcaster’s July Letter, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Days ago, The Fed said it would buy Corporate Bond ETFs. Earlier this week The Fed said it would Buy Individual Corporate Bonds! Shocking Enough, but the Mainstream Media (MSM) failed to report on The Major Step toward BIT which this Fed Move Causes. See this Alert.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “BIT is coming, Prepare!,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: Much as we would like to believe recent Key News Reports are Real, alas they are Not.

Since Real News is essential for Investors and Traders to Profit and Protect, we provide Real News here, most important, we provide our Forecast of what is to come, and Buy Recommendations aimed at Profit and Protection.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Real News Report Here – Antidote to Fake Reports,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken just this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on a leveraged ETN on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


Take 50% Profit NOW! & Note Key Forecast Mega Moves!


Deepcaster’s forecasts provide subscribers the opportunity to purchase Buy Recommendations which turn profits.

And today we recommend taking approximately 50% Profit on one of these Buy Recos and we provide Key Forecasts which should provide similar or greater Profits very soon all in our latest Alert, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

See our Recent Letters and Alerts and Deepcaster’s recent Buy Recommendations posted on Deepcaster LLC.

  • See Note 1 regarding the Greatest Climacteric in 50 years.
  • Regarding The Fed buying Corporate Bonds, see Note 2.
  • Real News…see Note 3.
  • Regarding The #1 Asset, see Note 4.
  • Consider Deepcaster Profits Taken this year, see Note 5.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Best regards,

June 30, 2020

Note 1: The Greatest Economic and Markets Climacteric in at least the last 50 years is Fast Approaching with its likely arrival at any time before the end of this year and probably sooner rather than later. Our Aim here is to provide the factual basis for this Conclusion and to help you prepare to Profit & Protect by making specific Recommendations.

See Deepcaster’s July Letter, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: Days ago, The Fed said it would buy Corporate Bond ETFs. Earlier this week The Fed said it would Buy Individual Corporate Bonds! Shocking Enough, but the Mainstream Media (MSM) failed to report on The Major Step toward BIT which this Fed Move Causes. See this Alert.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “BIT is coming, Prepare!,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Much as we would like to believe recent Key News Reports are Real, alas they are Not.

Since Real News is essential for Investors and Traders to Profit and Protect, we provide Real News here, most important, we provide our Forecast of what is to come, and Buy Recommendations aimed at Profit and Protection.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Real News Report Here ¾ Antidote to Fake Reports,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: There is one Asset likely to weather all Market “Storms” and return huge profits Going forward. So NOW is the time to load up on this #1 Asset on Price Pullbacks.

Read our recent Alert, “#1 Asset for Protection & Multi-Hundred % Profit,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken just this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 75% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on a leveraged ETN on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


Great Inevitable Climacteric Approaches: Prepare Now!


The Greatest Economic and Markets Climacteric in at least the last 50 years is Fast Approaching with its likely arrival at any time before the end of this year and probably sooner rather than later. Our Aim here is to provide the factual basis for this Conclusion and to help you prepare to Profit & Protect by making specific Recommendations.

See Deepcaster’s July Letter, posted on Deepcaster LLC.

See our Recent Letters and Alerts and Deepcaster’s recent Buy Recommendations posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Regarding The Fed buying Corporate Bonds, see Note 1.

Real News…see Note 2.

Regarding The #1 Asset, see Note 3.

Consider the triggers The Greatest Threat causes, see Note 4.

Consider Deepcaster Profits Taken this year, see Note 5.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Best regards,

June 23, 2020

Note 1: Days ago, The Fed said it would buy Corporate Bond ETFs. Earlier this week The Fed said it would Buy Individual Corporate Bonds! Shocking Enough, but the Mainstream Media (MSM) failed to report on The Major Step toward BIT which this Fed Move Causes. See this Alert.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “BIT is coming, Prepare!,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: Much as we would like to believe recent Key News Reports are Real, alas they are Not.

Since Real News is essential for Investors and Traders to Profit and Protect, we provide Real News here, most important, we provide our Forecast of what is to come, and Buy Recommendations aimed at Profit and Protection.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Real News Report Here ¾ Antidote to Fake Reports,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: There is one Asset likely to weather all Market “Storms” and return huge profits Going forward. So NOW is the time to load up on this #1 Asset on Price Pullbacks.

Read our recent Alert, “#1 Asset for Protection & Multi-Hundred % Profit,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: The probability of the “The Greatest Threat” occurring is Increasing and is now likely.

And this will help trigger other Threats. These will profoundly affect all our lives and investments, for years to come.

Prepare to Protect and Profit! Read on! See our Alert, “Protecting & Profiting from The Increasing Greatest Threat,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken just this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 75% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on a leveraged ETN on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.

BIT is coming, Prepare!


Days ago, The Fed said it would buy Corporate Bond ETFs. Earlier this week The Fed said it would Buy Individual Corporate Bonds! Shocking Enough, but the Mainstream Media (MSM) failed to report on The Major Step toward BIT which this Fed Move Causes.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “BIT is coming, Prepare!,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

See our Recent Letters and Alerts and Deepcaster’s recent Buy Recommendations posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Real News for Traders & Investors, see Note 1.

Regarding The #1 Asset, see Note 2.

Consider the triggers The Greatest Threat causes, see Note 3.

Regarding the Recipe for Mega Profits in our June Letter, Note 4.

Consider Deepcaster Profits Taken this year, see Note 5.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Best regards,

June 18, 2020

Note 1: Much as we would like to believe recent Key News Reports are Real, alas they are Not.

Since Real News is essential for Investors and Traders to Profit and Protect, we provide Real News here, most important, we provide our Forecast of what is to come, and Buy Recommendations aimed at Profit and Protection.

See Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Real News Report Here — Antidote to Fake Reports,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: There is one Asset likely to weather all Market “Storms” and return huge profits Going forward. So NOW is the time to load up on this #1 Asset on Price Pullbacks.

Read our recent Alert, “#1 Asset for Protection & Multi-Hundred % Profit,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: The probability of the “The Greatest Threat” occurring is Increasing and is now likely.

And this will help trigger other Threats. These will profoundly affect all our lives and investments, for years to come.

Prepare to Protect and Profit! Read on! See our Alert, “Protecting & Profiting from The Increasing Greatest Threat,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: Since the beginning of this year, Deepcaster has delivered Profits of 75%, 45%, 53%, 62% 55%, 110%  to its Subscribers.

Our view is that we can do even better than that spectacular record (we know of no other Newsletter which beat that) going forward. We include our Buy Recommendations here, and The Facts and our Analysis in Deepcaster’s June Letter on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken just this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 75% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on a Sector ETF on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on a leveraged ETN on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


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