Mega-Monetary/Economic Event Coming — Essential Preparations to Profit and Protect! – Deepcaster May Letter


Mega-Monetary/Economic Event Coming — Essential Preparations to Profit and Protect!


Deepcaster identified a most disturbing Trend weeks ago, as a Distinct Possibility.

Now, most unfortunately, that Trend has become a Probability.

IF fulfilled (and there is still time to stop it) it will result in a total loss of Privacy and Economic and Personal Freedom for individuals.   And it would result in Total Control by the Globalist Deep State!  And it would result in Massive Asset losses for Many, and Great Wealth for the few who control the Globalist Deep State.

The Ultimate “Black Swan” is about to arrive.  So log in to to see it, how to help stop it, and whether or not that is successful,  how to profit and protect Wealth

Deepcaster,    May, 2021

Key Sector Forecasts–2 & 3Qtr & Buy Recos–Deepcaster April Letter – April 2021 Letter

FedCoin “will bring tyranny and poverty to America…”

Dr.  Ron Paul

Key Sector Forecasts — 2 & 3Qtr & Buy Recos — Deepcaster April Letter

The Mega-Move which we first forecast Months ago is finally underway

And it is already generating Profit in certain of the Sectors we forecast it would

So in this April letter we forecast which Sectors will likely do very well and which will lose or be devastated.

So it is very important to consider this April Letter and our other recent Letters and Alerts to see which Sectors the Mega Move will help (a very few) and which it will greatly hurt (most of them) and to consider our Recos aimed at Profit and Protection, including today’s BUY RECO!.

Importantly, Deepcaster has quite a few positions in its Portfolios which have been “marking time” and not benefited from the beginning Mega-Move YET.  But as the Mega Move continues to develop we expect them to launch strongly upward, many with multi-hundred per cent Profit Potential.

Important to reiterate that very few of the MSM or Aftercasters expect the likely HUGE Magnitude of this move going forward nor therefore do they anticipate the Potential for Huge Profits or Huge Losses for the Unprepared

And consider that:

Deepcaster subscribers were recently able to take 100% Profit on a play based on our Forecasts– the eleventh profit in excess of 50% taken in the last 12 months! See the FORECASTS and Buy Recos in our March Letter and our Recent Alerts for more potential profits.  In our March 2021 Letter we focused on the developing Mega-Move in one key sector, a move which will likely profoundly affect several other Key Sectors, and provide Subscribers with more Opportunities to Profit and Protect.  Others will likely suffer Great Losses.  Read our March letter to consider the Potential Opportunities to Greatly Profit and Protect Wealth.  Indeed, in Deepcaster’s recent Letters and Alerts we have also been forecasting that Mega-Move.

But that recent 100% Profit in is only a Consequence of the beginning of the Mega Move in that other Key Sector.  And that critically important Mega Move has only just begun, and as it intensifies.  it will have dramatic consequences in other Key Sectors

Deepcaster’s record in the last 12 months

In addition to the February 2021 100%, and today’s 65%, profit taken, early in November, 2020 we recommended Taking 90% Profit on an Energy Sector Call Option.  That Profit Taking was the Tenth Time Deepcaster subscribers have been able to take Profit averaging more than 50% since February, 2020!

We are not aware of any Investment Newsletter, which can match this record!

  • 90% Profit Taken on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020
  • 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020.
  • 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days

Deepcaster’s reliance on Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macros provide great Profit Potential and Wealth Protection.

Indeed, we have made several other recommendations relying on all four Factors recently, all with great profit potential.  (See Our BUY RECOS) Indeed, many of those which are still “cooking” have multi-Hundred % Profit Potential.

So login to see the Profits( and losses for the unprepared) we expect to come SOON and to consider our Buy Recos and the 65% + Profit we recommend you take TODAY

Deepcaster LLC       April 1, 2021     (This is NOT an April fool’s prank.)

Deepcaster Forecasts score $$$$ again! An “Aftercaster” NOT

Deepcaster March 2021 Letter

Deepcaster Forecasts score $$$$ again! An “Aftercaster” NOT

Deepcaster subscribers were recently able to take 100% Profit on a play based on our Forecasts–the eleventh profit in excess of 50% taken in the last 12 months.!

See the FORECASTS and Buy Recos in this Letter and our Recent Alerts for more potential profits.

Also consider that Deepcaster is a FORECASTER NOT AN “AFTERCASTER”.  Surely you have noted talking heads on  the MSM often describe how and why it is that  a development in the Markets and Economy TOOK place.  Candidly this is AFTERCASTING. which has limited value for forecasting

Deepcaster does FORECASTING and bases its Forecasts and Buy Recos on Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals, and Macro.

In our March Letter we focus on the developing Mega-Move in one key sector, a move which will likely profoundly affect several other Key Secttor, and provide Subscribers with more Opportunities to Profit and Protect. Others will likely suffer Great Losses. Read our March letter to consider the Potential Opportunities to Profit and Protect Wealth

Indeed, in Deepcaster’s recent Letters and Alerts we have also been forecasting that Mega-Move.

Already our forecast Mega move and Recos are bearing fruit. For example recently we recommended liquidating the remainder of your position in JJG for about a hundred per cent profit

But the Profit in JJG is only a Consequence of the beginning of the Mega Move in that other Key Sector.  And that critically important Mega Move has only just begun, and as it intensifies.  it will have dramatic consequences in other Key Sectors

Therefore it is extremely important that you read our recent Letters and Alerts so that you can observe the intensifying Mega Move in that one Key sector, and consider the consequences in other Key Sectors, and consider our Recos. aimed at Profit and Protection  Just log in at our website

Deepcaster’s record in 2020

Early in November, 2020 we recommended Taking 90% Profit on an Energy Sector Call Option.

That Profit Taking was the Tenth Time Deepcaster subscribers have been able to take Profit averaging more than 50% since February, 2020!

We are not aware of any Investment Newsletter which can match this record!

  • 90% Profit Taken on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020
  • 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020.
  • 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.

Deepcaster’s reliance on Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macros provide great Profit Potential and Wealth Protection.

Indeed, we have made several other recommendations relying on all four Factors recently, all with great profit potential. (See Our BUY RECOS) Indeed, many of those which are still “cooking” have multi-Hundred % Profit Potential.

And remember,  Deepcaster is a Forecaster, NOT an Aftercaster!

Best regards,     Deepcaster       2/25/21

Key Econ.Data re. Mega-Threats launching Mega Moves soon

February, 2021 Letter

Key Econ. Data re: Mega -Threats launching Mega Moves soon

Deepcaster’s recent Forecasts re impending Mega Moves are based on Real, not Politicized, Econ.  Data.  And of course Deepcaster’s Buy Recos aiming at Profit and Protection from these impending Mega Moves are based on that Real Data.  To see the Real Data, the Mega-Threats and likely Mega moves, and our Recos for Profit and Protection, read our February 2021 Letter: .Key Econ.Data re.Mega-Threats launching MegaMoves soon.  

Some positions we have already recommended should become increasingly profitable as the Mega-Move begins to intensify  Others should be put on when the Mega-Move is well underway.   To see what and why, read our Letter  

To see the Sector which has just started its Mega Move and is likely to start a crash VERY soon, and Consequences for other Sectors, and why, and also to see one of our BUY RECOS with multi-hundred % profit potential, read Deepcaster’s recent Alert; “Multi-100% Profit Potential BUY RECO — Threat Response”

Deepcaster’s record: Early in November, 2020 we recommended Taking 90% Profit on an Energy Sector Call Option.

That Profit Taking was the Tenth Time Deepcaster subscribers have been able to take Profit averaging more than 50% since February, 2020!


We are not aware of any Investment Newsletter which can match this record!

  • 90% Profit Taken on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020
  • 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020.
  • 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


Deepcaster’s reliance on Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macros provide great Profit Potential and Wealth Protection.

Indeed, we have made several other recommendations relying on all four Factors recently, all with great profit potential.  (See Our BUY RECOS) Indeed, many of those which are still “cooking” have multi-Hundred % Profit Potential.

Best regards,


Deepcaster’s December 2020 Letter: Surmounting Q1 2021 Mega – Threats for Profit and Protection


Most Sectors of the Equities Markets have traded up to and around their all time highs, and with the U.S. Election lssues potentially resolved, (with the Georgia Senate races and possible, but unlikely, swing States switching to President Trump, both as potentially greatly disruptive factors) and Corona vaccines on the way, what could, and indeed is likely to, go wrong.

To read more, see Deepcaster’s December Letter, “Surmounting Q1 2021 Mega – Threats for Profit and Protection” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Best regards,

December 5, 2020

Note 1: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken just this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios (

90% Profit Taken on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020 after just 3 weeks
65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020
75% Profit on a Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020.
50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020
45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020
53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)
62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020
55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


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