Take Appx 35% Profit Today NOW! After only 34 days!


We recommended buying Puts on HYG, a High-Yield (i.e., High Risk!) Bond fund just over a month ago because we forecast Interest Rates would increase and therefore willingness to hold High Risk Debt would decrease.

And already rates are increasing and high risk Debt decreases.

Therefore, we recommend you liquidate half your puts at $2 or better [We recommend selling only half because we think this play is likely to become even more profitable between now and June when the puts expire.

Recommendation to Consider

Liquidate one half of your June HYG 85 puts (HYG180615P00085000) for $2 or better.

This should generate about a 35% profit for those who bought when we recommended it (01/3/2018). That’s about 385% Profit annualized.


Regarding The Big Five Keys to 2018 Market Performance, see Note 1.

To catch our latest Forecasts, including our BUY RECO aimed at Profit from the Spike up just beginning, see Note 2.

To consider our recent BUY RECO aimed at Mega- Profit, see Note 3.

Regarding Key Sector Turning Points & our recent BUY RECO, see Note 4.

Regarding recent Profits Taken, see Note 5, including most recently 115% on a Lithium Mining Company.

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To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button.

LOGIN instructions are posted on the ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN’ page (Top Menu).

Best Regards,

February 6, 2018

Note 1: For The Big Five Keys to Early 2018 Market Performance, see our February Letter just posted.

Note 2: One Great Spike UP has begun and one Great Spike DOWN is coming very soon.

Still time to catch the Spike UP — see our most recent BUY RECO in last week’s Alert, Note 2.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “One Great Spike UP Beginning; One Great Spike Down Coming Very Soon; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 3: A Major Spike in a Major Sector is expected due to Fundamental Changes in another Key Sector.

Consider our BUY RECOMMENDATION, available for under $4 a share!, aimed at Profit and Wealth Protection from this Forecast Mega-Move and our Forecasts.

See our Forecasts and BUY RECO to consider these in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Key Sector Mega-Spike UP Impending!; BUY RECO & Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com. 

Note 4: Key Sectors are near Turning Points which provide both Profit and Wealth Preservation Opportunities. This week our Buy Recommendation is available for less than 20¢ per share, has a recent CROIC (Cash Return on Invested Capital) of over 300% and has profit potential from several diverse Economic Sectors!

See our Forecasts and BUY RECO to consider these in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Turning Points Opportunities; BUY RECO & Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in 2017 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios* posted under ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN

  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 18 months on January 4, 2018 (i.e., about 80% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 16 months on November 29, 2017 (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on a Mobile Media Company after less than 7 months on November 10, 2017 (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a P M Royalty Streaming Company on October 5, 2017 after just 52 months, (i.e., about 20% Annualized)
  • 33% Profit on Independent Holding Company on August 30, 2017 after just 4 months (i.e., about 100% Annualized)
  • 85% Profit on P.M. ETF on August 1, 2017 after just 15 months (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
  • 60% Profit on Short $US Position on July 31, 2017 after just 30 days (i.e., about 730% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a Long Bond position on April 12, 2017 after just 42 days (i.e., about 860% Annualized)
  • 105% Profit on P.M. ETF on February 21, 2017 after just 10 months (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on Gold Shares ETF on January 20, 2017 after just 9 months (i.e., about 150% Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on P.M. Streaming Company on January 12, 2017 after just 16 days (i.e., about 1255% Annualized)

Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2016 and 2015 included such successes as 110%, 60% 130% and 75%, 65%, 50% in 2 days, 90%, 80% in 6 days, 110% in 3 days, 265% in 57 days, 65% in 2 days.

*Past Profitable Performance is no assurance of future Profitable Performance.



One Company—the Crème de la Crème of the Precious Metal Streaming Royalty Companies, Royal Gold—has prospered in recent years in spite of the Vagaries of the Precious Metals Markets. It has raised its Dividends for 17 Consecutive years!

And bouncing around $89 per share, it is still a bargain for the long haul.

But with the Precious Metals rebounding this year, there are other Precious Metals Opportunities with more upside potential.

Therefore, given our Strategy of Taking Profits when you have them, we suggest you consider:

Selling Half your remaining position in RGLD, today, now.

If you bought RGLD when we recommended it about $58.70 on June 22, 2011, as we write, you should have a profit of over 50% in just 6 and a half years. That’s about 7.5% per year annualized, not including dividends. Not bad for the Safest of Safe Haven stocks.


Regarding the Mega-Moves that we forecast and which now have begun as well as positioning to profit from them, see Note 1.

Regarding The Big Five Keys to 2018 Market Performance, see Note 2.

Regarding recent Profits Taken, see Note 3, including most recently 115% on a Lithium Mining Company.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button.

LOGIN instructions are posted on the ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN’ page (Top Menu).

Best Regards,

February 1, 2018

 Note 1: The Mega-Moves we recently forecast have now begun. So now it is critically important to focus on how to Profit from Market E.D.  See our most recent RECOS!!

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Profit from Market E.D.; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

 Note 2: For The Big Five Keys to Early 2018 Market Performance, see our February Letter just posted in Latest Letter & Archives.

Note 3: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in 2017 in our Speculative* and Fortress Assets Portfolios* posted under ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN

  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 18 months on January 4, 2018 (i.e., about 80% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 16 months on November 29, 2017 (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on a Mobile Media Company after less than 7 months on November 10, 2017 (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a P M Royalty Streaming Company on October 5, 2017 after just 52 months, (i.e., about 20% Annualized)
  • 33% Profit on Independent Holding Company on August 30, 2017 after just 4 months (i.e., about 100% Annualized)
  • 85% Profit on P.M. ETF on August 1, 2017 after just 15 months (i.e., about 70% Annualized)

Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2017, 2016 and 2015 included such successes as 105% and 90% on Precious Metals ETF, Long Bonds, & Gold shares, 110%, 60% 130% and 75%, 65%, 50% in 2 days, 90%, 80% in 6 days, 110% in 3 days, 265% in 57 days, 65% in 2 days.

*Past Profitable Performance is no assurance of future Profitable Performance.


Take Appx 115% Profit Today NOW! Per Key Sector Spikes Up & Key Sector Crashes!


Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS.AX) explores for and develops natural resources in Australia and Papua New Guinea, primarily lithium and tantalum.

But PLS’s flagship asset is its Pilgangoora Lithium Project in WA. Before we recommended buying the company it had determined a JORC Resource of 80.2Mt at 1.26% Li2O, equivalent to 1.7Mt of contained LCE.  Thus Pilgangoora appears to be the world’s 2nd largest hard rock lithium deposit, ranking only behind the world class Greenbushes mine.  Compared to other emerging hard rock lithium producers, Pilgangoora ranks above average in terms of size, grade, and costs, as well as demonstrating favourable metallurgy to date, according to reports.

Since Lithium is an essential Element in Modern Battery Technologies, (think, e.g., Electric Cars!), it is no surprise that PLS.AX shares have more than doubled since we recommended it at 54¢ per share, to $1.18.

Important: Though we expect there to be a continuing demand for Lithium for electric cars, etc., (which is why we recommend you sell only half your shares) considering likely Effects of Key Sector Spikes Up & Key Sector Crashes! (see this Week’s Alert!!) we believe you should take profit TODAY NOW!

Recommendation to Consider

Sell one half of your shares in PLS.AX.

This should generate about a 115% profit for those who bought when we recommended it (08/3/2016). That’s about 80% Profit annualized.


Best regards,

January 4, 2018




Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS.AX) explores for and develops natural resources in Australia and Papua New Guinea, primarily lithium and tantalum.

But PLS’s flagship asset is its Pilgangoora Lithium Project in WA. Before we recommended buying the company it had determined a JORC Resource of 80.2Mt at 1.26% Li2O, equivalent to 1.7Mt of contained LCE.  Thus Pilgangoora appears to be the world’s 2nd largest hard rock lithium deposit, ranking only behind the world class Greenbushes mine.  Compared to other emerging hard rock lithium producers, Pilgangoora ranks above average in terms of size, grade, and costs, as well as demonstrating favourable metallurgy to date, according to reports.

Since Lithium is an essential Element in Modern Battery Technologies, (think, e.g., Electric Cars!), it is no surprise that PLS.AX shares have nearly doubled since we recommended it at 54¢ per share to $1.035.

IMORTANT: Though we expect there to be a continuing demand for Lithium for electric cars, etc., (which is why we recommend you sell only half your shares) considering likely Effects of IMPENDING MEGA-MARKET-MOVERS (see this week’s Alert!!) we believe you should take profit TODAY NOW!

Recommendation to Consider

Sell one half of your shares in PLS.AX.

This should generate about a 90% profit for those who bought when we recommended it (08/3/2016). That’s about 70% Profit annualized.


Best regards,

November 29, 2017

TAKE PROFIT: Take appx 55% Profit After Less Than 7 Months TODAY NOW!


Our increasingly connected World is going mobile, despite the risks including the risks of loss of freedom.

And in no area is this push to mobile more obvious than in the increasing use of mobile payment apps. WeChat and Alipay are the two largest and entirely dominant payment systems in China.

WeChat has ten of the most used Apps crammed into One.

Tencent Holdings Limited (TCEHY) Owns WeChat and dominates the Entertainment and Social Networks in China, including gaming.

TCEHY has hundreds of Millions of users in China, is the World’s 11th largest company and growing fast.

But a Major Market Move and Geopolitical Concerns loom, none of which is likely to be good for TCEHY.

Better to take Profit now.

Recommendation to Consider

Sell your remaining TCEHY shares for $48 or better.

This should generate about a 55% profit for those who bought when we recommended. That’s about 105% Profit annualized.


Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 1.

Regarding a Billionaire Investor’s Market Analysis & BUY RECO Opportunity, see Note 2.

Regarding Deepcaster’s Hi-Yield (appx 10%) BUY RECO, see Note 3.

Regarding Deepcaster’s Alert re the most recent “Tulip Mania”, see Note 4.

Note 1: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in 2017 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios* posted under ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN

  • 90% Profit on a P M Royalty Streaming Company on October 5, 2017 after just 52 months, (i.e., about 20% Annualized)
  • 33% Profit on Independent Holding Company on August 30, 2017 after just 4 months (i.e., about 100% Annualized)
  • 85% Profit on P.M. ETF on August 1, 2017 after just 15 months (i.e., about 70% Annualized)
  • 60% Profit on Short $US Position on July 31, 2017 after just 30 days (i.e., about 730% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on a Long Bond position on April 12, 2017 after just 42 days (i.e., about 860% Annualized)
  • 105% Profit on P.M. ETF on February 21, 2017 after just 10 months (i.e., about 115% Annualized)
  • 90% Profit on Gold Shares ETF on January 20, 2017 after just 9 months (i.e., about 150% Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on P.M. Streaming Company on January 12, 2017 after just 16 days (i.e., about 1255% Annualized)

Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2016 and 2015 included such successes as 110%, 60% 130% and 75%, 65%, 50% in 2 days, 90%, 80% in 6 days, 110% in 3 days, 265% in 57 days, 65% in 2 days.

*Past Profitable Performance is no assurance of future Profitable Performance. 

Note 2: Yes, Indeed. Opportunity Knocks NOW! A Billionaire Investor’s Market Analysis was recently summarized as “Investors better snap up these…”

To read more about these investment opportunities and the BUY RECO, see our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “OPPORTUNITY—‘Investors Better Snap Up These…’; BUY RECO; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 3: Deepcaster is recommending a Hi-Yielder with approximately 10% yield and a much higher Potential Total Return and which is also relatively insulated from Economic, Geopolitical and Political Shocks.

Ideal, in our view, for current circumstances, and prospects. Learn more in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Hi-Yield BUY RECO Appx 10%; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 4: Manias (Think “Tulip Mania”) are Maturing in Key Sectors (especially The Non-M “Cs”). Deepcaster identifies those Sectors and describes the Spectacular Profit and Loss Potential and the effects on other Sectors, in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Manias Maturing—Spectacular Profit or Loss Potential; Forecasts: Gold & Silver; Equities; US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Crude Oil & Copper” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.


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