MEGA-WHIPSAWS Coming. Prep to Profit & Protect — BTD-STR



MEGA-WHIPSAWS Coming. Prep to Profit & Protect — BTD-STR



Recently we called attention to the fact that Of all the Indicators of short and long-term Economic and Equities Markets Activity, there is ONE which is almost universally acknowledged as being the most Predictive and therefore the most important.

That ONE is NOW strongly signaling.  However, the Mainstream Financial Media Talking Heads  are MISINTERPRETING this Signaling and thus Deepcaster is greatly concerned that Investors and traders will greatly suffer and soon!

So Deepcaster provided our forecast ACCURATE INTERPRETATION, and therefore a Necessary Condition for Profiting and Protecting!


Another Necessary Condition for Profiting and Protecting is trading the coming MEGA-WHIPSAWS effectively while trading the Assets

most likely to provide Profit and Protection.  That is the subject of today’s Alert


As background note that:

A MEGA MOVE which we earlier forecast  had almost begun to launch and after launch we expected its effects would be felt in almost all other Sectors in a very few weeks.. See our recent letters and alerts

However,  since we posted the October letter, one of several Black Swans lurking actually occurred, and delayed our forecast MEGA Moves for a very few weeks.  Thus in our recent Alert we identify that Black Swan and forecast how long its effect is likely to last, and what we expect to happen when the Black Swan’s effect has diminished.

Specifically we expect at least one of our forecast MEGA MOVES to begin then

And this MEGA MOVE will enable Profit Taking in certain of the aforementioned Sectors.


Remember that Deepcaster’s forecasts are based on REAL Economic Data and not on the political numbers coming out of the BLS.

Those REAL data are set forth in our recent Alerts and letters and are essential to consider in order to profit and protect going forward

And also consider that our other recent BUY RECO is also aimed at riding the coming Profit and Protection.

Based on its high a couple of years ago, that BUY RECO has at least 1,000% Profit potential.


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2021 possible.  Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ. Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial Profits in recent months as high as 110% in January , 75% in March 2020. and 80% in May, 2021. Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


Log in at to also see

1)  Key Econ, Market,Commodity, & Political Facts impelling Impending Mega Moves, and

2)  our most recent Alerts and August, September, October and November letters  as well as Current Forecasts and Recommendations based on the Real Economic Data which we IDENTIFY AND REVEAL and the forecast timing for MEGA MOVES which are coming ever closer and recent BUY RECOs aimed at Mega Profits and Protection!!

We reiterate: our two most recent BUY RECOs have multi-hundred % Profit Potential!


So login to Deepcaster to see our most recent BUY RECOS and how to maximize the opportunity to 

Profit and Protect from coming MEGA WHIPSAWS.


Best Regards,    Deepcaster     11/12/21


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