The Greatest Threat to Our Freedom, Privacy & Wealth Intensifying! Act Now to Profit & Protect! — Deepcaster Alert!

The Greatest Threat to Our Freedom, Privacy & Wealth Intensifying   Act Now to Profit & Protect & Help Stop it!

     The Multi–Billion $$ Collapse of the FTX Crypto Fund has generated allegations of Fraud, Theft, and Political Influence purchases, as well as Contagion adversely affecting other Markets.


“The FTX debacle is so much bigger than FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF).  Sure, FTX is one of the biggest political, regulatory and financial breakdowns of this Cycle.   But the bigger story is hiding right under our noses.

  • Incompetence here? Of course.
  • Corruption? Fraud? Massive conflicts of interest? Most definitely.

“This whole thing is rotten to its core.

Set aside that Sam Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor to the Democratic party (donating $36 million). Or that FTX’s co-CEO of Digital Markets was the 14th largest Republican party donor ($19 million). Forget for a second that CFTC Commissioner Caroline Pham recently deleted a social media photo of her posing with SBF. Erase from your memory banks the pictures of SBF with Congresswoman Maxine Waters, or SBF sharing the stage with Bill Clinton.

Consider this. Fraud exposer and veteran shortseller Marc Cohodes handed the entire SBF/FTX fraud story to Bloomberg Crypto in London in July. They passed on it. Let that sink it. Their reason?  “They thought it was too hard, too complicated, and might interfere with gaining access to SBF going forward,” Cohodes says. WTF! “

Cohodes dropped this truth bomb…  FTX is not a crypto scam. It is a massive money laundering, Ponzi scheme fraud with a crypto wrapper. This has nothing to do with crypto. This shit needs to stop.”

   But it is NOT the impact of the Allegations, which intensified the Greatest Threat

Rather it was the Collapse itself which provided the Stimulus for the preexisting Greatest Threat to Intensify

–To be sure, there are several serious pre-existing Threats.  For example, President Reagan’s Director of OMB David Stockman in his book “The Money Bubble-Protecting yourself from Biden-Flation” says that Inflation is likely to continue to be a problem for Years and alas, he is probably right., but that is not The Greatest Threat

So log in to to learn what The Greatest Threat is, why it is intensifying and what you can do to Profit and Protect. and help Stop it.

And when you do, review our latest letters and Alerts and consider that Just last Spring Subscribers were able to take 300%, 100%, and 350% profit in just two months



Real Econ Numbers & re. DCB & other Key Forecasts

11/11/2022 – Real Econ Numbers & re. DCB & other Key Forecasts

Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation and the stagnating economy in recent letters and Alerts.  But it has also earlier identified three subsectors which will likely provide Investors with Profit and Protection during the Intensifying Stagflation

Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers

Just last Spring Subscribers were able to take 300%, 100%, and 350% profit in just two months

It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by “Official” sources, usually for Political purposes.

For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! And other crucial data is “Fake” as well.

So log in to to see the REAL Inflation number Key Econ Data and re: DCB & other Key Forecasts for WHERE THE MARKETS ARE


Best regards, Deepcaster

Key Sector Reversal Forecasts See November 2022 Letter


Key Sector Reversal Forecasts 

Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation and the stagnating economy in recent letters and Alerts

But we also earlier identified three subsectors which will likely provide Investors with Profit and Protection during the Intensifying Stagflation.

Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by “Official” sources, usually for Political purposes.

For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!! And other crucial data is “Fake” as well.

So log in to to see the REAL Inflation number and other Key Econ Data

Our most recent BUY RECO provides an opportunity to make more than 100% profit in the next few weeks by investing in one of the subsectors

Regarding Key Indicators it is important to recall that in just two months this past Spring Deepcaster Subscribers were able to take 300%,100%, and 350% Profit.

So, log on to NOW to see why, today, Opportunity Knocks with the 100% plus profit potential recent Buy Reco and which Key Sectors are likely to reverse soon!

Very best,   Deepcaster

100% plus Profit Potential — BUY RECO



100% plus Profit Potential — BUY RECO

Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation and the stagnating economy in recent letters and Alerts

But it has also earlier identified three subsectors which will likely provide Investors with Profit and Protection during the Intensifying Stagflation.

Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers

It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated by “Official” sources, usually for Political purposes.

For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!!  And other crucial data is “Fake” as well.

So log in to to see the REAL Inflation number and other Key Econ Data

This week’s BUY RECO provides an opportunity to make more than 100% profit in the next few weeks by investing in one of the subsectors

Regarding Key Indicators it is important to recall that in just two months this past Spring Deepcaster Subscribers were able to take 300%,100%, and 350% Profit

So, log on to NOW to see why, today, Opportunity Knocks with the 100% plus profit potential Buy Reco

High Probability Forecasts for Mega Moves !


Deepcaster has accurately forecast the intensifying inflation and the stagnating economy in recent letters and Alerts

But it has also earlier identified three subsectors which will likely provide Investors with Profit and Protection during the Intensifying Stagflation.

Deepcaster’s Reliance upon the Real Econ Numbers Gives us a Great  Advantage in recommending profitable Trades for our Subscribers

It is essential for Investors and Traders Profit and Protection that they also rely on Real Econ Numbers in making their decisions and not on Fake Econ News. But alas there is much Fake Econ News being disseminated  by “Official” sources, usually for Political purposes.

For example, REAL Inflation is nowhere near the 8% to 9% these Sources claim it is.!!!!  And other crucial data is “Fake” as well.

So log in to to see the REAL Inflation number and other Key Econ Data

This week the signals that three of Deepcaster’s key  Indicators – Fundamentals, Interventionals and Macro — are sending are entirely consistent with the Technicals…. a somewhat uncommon event.

But the message that confluence sends is that what we should and will do this week is guided by reviewing the Technicals

Regarding Key Indicators it is important to recall  that in just two months this past Spring Deepcaster Subscribers were able to take 300%,100%, and 350% Profit

So, log on to NOW to see what all the indicators are telling us via the Technicals and see why, today, Opportunity Knocks.

Very best, Deepcaster  10/17/2022


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