Record Major Moves Coming — Forecasts Overview & Buy Recos


Deepcaster forecasts more intense Major Moves in Key Sectors in the next 18 months than in the prior 8 years, primarily because more hidden, or heretofore, disregarded Realities will Manifest themselves. Indeed, Major Moves have already begun, as borne out by the 60% Profit Taken on one Silver Bull Play which Deepcaster correctly forecast a full five month ago (well before most other forecasters).

Consider the Realities and their Consequences and Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations for Profit and Protection in our September Letter, “Record Major Moves Coming — Forecasts Overview & Buy Recos,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS and especially consider a recently recommended Gold Royalty company. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Key Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Regarding Deepcaster’s Recession Resistant Buy Reco, see Note 1.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Multi-100% Potential Buy Recommendation, see Note 2.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Forecasts, see Note 3.

Regarding Fed easing and Market moves down, see Note 4.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 5 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

August 30, 2019

Note 1: Deepcaster’s recommendation is a company which invests in the middle, as it were, of an industry which is likely not going out of Business even in a recession, or Crash. See our latest High Yielding Buy Recommendation in this week’s Alert, “9.9% Yielding Recession Resistant BUY RECO,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: A new ETF with Multi-100% Profit Potential just hit the Market and it has an extraordinary degree of downside protection, including being backed by a Government! Deepcaster tells you why it is our BUY RECO on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Deepcaster’s Forecasts have been spot on recently, and our recent Buy Recommendations show dramatic gains. But more Mega-Moves are coming. Read our Forecasts and consider our Buy Recommendations in Deepcaster’s last week’s Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 4: U.S. Equities have been hitting record Highs in recent weeks due in large part to the prospect of The Fed easing and especially to very low interest rates which have facilitated huge borrowing to artificially boost those Equities and other Financial Assets Prices. And late this week we have seen modest moves down.

But quite apart from the Threat posed by all that Debt other intensifying Forces are mobilizing to launch Mega-Moves. See our recent Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 60% Profit on Bull Silver Play on August 27, 2019 after just 5 months
  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019

Take 60% Profit Today NOW!! After Just 5 Months


Deepcaster was among the very few who correctly forecast five months ago! the Explosion of Silver Prices which has now arrived, in large part because of our 4 Factor approach to the Markets*.

We think USLV will eventually go much higher. But, since we believe in taking profits when we have them, today we recommend taking profit on half of your shares of USLV (VelocityShares 3X Long Silver ETN) — a Triple-Leveraged Long ETN on the Silver Price.

Recommendation to Consider:

Take Profit on one half your current holding of USLV

If you bought this ETN when we recommended it, that is approximately a 60% profit in a little over five months.

And for Deepcaster’s recent RECOs which have multi-100% Profit and Wealth Protection Potential, see Notes below.


Best regards,

August 27, 2019

*We consider, not only Fundamentals and Technicals, but also Interventionals and Macro.

Note 1: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

Note 2: Deepcaster’s recommendation is a company which invests in the middle, as it were, of an industry which is likely not going out of Business even in a recession, or Crash. See our latest High Yielding Buy Recommendation in last week’s Alert, “9.9% Yielding Recession Resistant BUY RECO,” on Deepcaster LLC.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Note 3: A new ETF with Multi-100% Profit Potential just hit the Market and it has an extraordinary degree of downside protection, including being backed by a Government! Deepcaster tells you why it is our recent BUY RECO on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: Deepcaster’s Forecasts have been spot on recently, and our recent Buy Recommendations show dramatic gains. But more Mega-Moves are coming. Read our Forecasts and consider our Buy Recommendations in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 5: U.S. Equities have been hitting record Highs in recent weeks due in large part to the prospect of The Fed easing and especially to very low interest rates which have facilitated huge borrowing to artificially boost those Equities and other Financial Assets Prices. And late this week we have seen modest moves down.

But quite apart from the Threat posed by all that Debt other intensifying Forces are mobilizing to launch Mega-Moves. See our earlier August Alert for our forecast, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 6: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 60% on Triple-Leveraged Silver ETN on August 27, 2019 after just 5 months
  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019 in just two weeks
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019

9.9% Yielding Recession Resistant BUY RECO


Deepcaster’s recommendation is a company which invests in the middle, as it were, of an industry which is likely not going out of Business even in a recession, or Crash. See our latest High Yielding Buy Recommendation in this week’s Alert, “9.9% Yielding Recession Resistant BUY RECO,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Multi-100% Buy Recommendation, see Note 1.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Forecasts, see Note 2.

Regarding Fed easing and Market moves down, see Note 3.

Regarding monitoring Cartel Interventions, see Note 4.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 5 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

August 23, 2019

Note 1: A new ETF with Multi-100% Profit Potential just hit the Market and it has an extraordinary degree of downside protection, including being backed by a Government! Deepcaster tells you why it is our BUY RECO Today on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: Deepcaster’s Forecasts have been spot on recently, and our recent Buy Recommendations show dramatic gains. But more Mega-Moves are coming. Read our Forecasts and consider our Buy Recommendations in Deepcaster’s last week’s Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 3: U.S. Equities have been hitting record Highs in recent weeks due in large part to the prospect of The Fed easing and especially to very low interest rates which have facilitated huge borrowing to artificially boost those Equities and other Financial Assets Prices. And late this week we have seen modest moves down.

But quite apart from the Threat posed by all that Debt other intensifying Forces are mobilizing to launch Mega-Moves. See our recent Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 4: Monitoring and Surmounting (when Possible) Cartel (see *) Interventions has long been a most important component of Deepcaster’s 4 Factor (Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals, Macros) approach to the Markets.

In this Letter we indicate how and in what situations Investors and Traders can Surmount and make some specific Buy Recommendations in our August Letter, “Surmounting Ongoing Interventions for Profit,” posted on

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019 in just two weeks
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

* We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Overt and Covert Interventions by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions to read Deepcaster’s Report, “Surmounting Impending Unavoidable Market Sectors Disasters for Profit and Protection” on the ‘Two Free Reports’ page at Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at, including testimony before the CFTC, for information on precious metals price manipulation, and manipulation in other Markets. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster’s profitable recommendations displayed at have been facilitated by attention to these “Interventionals.” Attention to The Interventionals facilitated Deepcaster’s recommending five short positions prior to the Fall, 2008 Market Crash all of which were subsequently liquidated profitably.

BUY RECO with Multi-100% Profit Potential


A new ETF with Multi-100% Profit Potential just hit the Market and it has an extraordinary degree of downside protection, including being backed by a Government! Deepcaster tells you why it is our BUY RECO Today on Deepcaster LLC.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Forecasts, see Note 1.

Regarding Fed easing and Market moves down, see Note 2.

Regarding monitoring Cartel Interventions, see Note 3.

Regarding launch of Mega-Moves & BUY RECO Aim, see Note 4.

Regarding the forecast Market Freeze, see Note 5.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 6 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

August 12, 2019

Note 1: Deepcaster’s Forecasts have been spot on recently, and our recent Buy Recommendations show dramatic gains. But more Mega-Moves are coming. Read our Forecasts and consider our Buy Recommendations in Deepcaster’s last week’s Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 2: U.S. Equities have been hitting record Highs in recent weeks due in large part to the prospect of The Fed easing and especially to very low interest rates which have facilitated huge borrowing to artificially boost those Equities and other Financial Assets Prices. And late this week we have seen modest moves down.

But quite apart from the Threat posed by all that Debt other intensifying Forces are mobilizing to launch Mega-Moves. See our recent Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 3: Monitoring and Surmounting (when Possible) Cartel (see *) Interventions has long been a most important component of Deepcaster’s 4 Factor (Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals, Macros) approach to the Markets.

In this Letter we indicate how and in what situations Investors and Traders can Surmount and make some specific Buy Recommendations in our August Letter, “Surmounting Ongoing Interventions for Profit,” posted on

Note 4: Deepcaster’s Analyses indicate Key Sectors prepping to Launch Mega-Moves Very Soon.

See our Buy Recommendation aimed at doubling your money, or more, well before the end of 2019, in our latest Alert, “‘Buy Reco Aim: Double Money Before 2020,” posted in Alerts Cache, on

Note 5: Deepcaster and Key Independent Analysts are forecasting a Serious CRASH in a Key Sector in the Next few weeks, so serious that that Market will likely Freeze into a “No Bid” Status and cause certain other Markets to Crash and Freeze as well.

Read Deepcaster’s analysis in our recent Alert, “‘No Bid’ Crash in Key Sector(s) Coming Soon: Forecasts & BUY RECOS,” posted in Alerts Cache, on

Note 6: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019 in just two weeks
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

* We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Overt and Covert Interventions by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions to read Deepcaster’s Report, “Surmounting Impending Unavoidable Market Sectors Disasters for Profit and Protection” on the ‘Two Free Reports’ page at Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at, including testimony before the CFTC, for information on precious metals price manipulation, and manipulation in other Markets. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster’s profitable recommendations displayed at have been facilitated by attention to these “Interventionals.” Attention to The Interventionals facilitated Deepcaster’s recommending five short positions prior to the Fall, 2008 Market Crash all of which were subsequently liquidated profitably.

Next Mega-Moves—Forecasts: Equities; Commodities; US$/Euro, Gold & Silver; Interest Rates


Deepcaster’s Forecasts have been spot on recently, and our recent Buy Recommendations show dramatic gains. But more Mega-Moves are coming. Read our Forecasts and consider our Buy Recommendations in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Regarding Fed easing and Market moves down, see Note 1.

Regarding monitoring Cartel Interventions, see Note 2.

Regarding launch of Mega-Moves & BUY RECO Aim, see Note 3.

Regarding the forecast Market Freeze, see Note 4.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 5 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Best regards,

August 8, 2019

Note 1: U.S. Equities have been hitting record Highs in recent weeks due in large part to the prospect of The Fed easing and especially to very low interest rates which have facilitated huge borrowing to artificially boost those Equities and other Financial Assets Prices. And late this week we have seen modest moves down.

But quite apart from the Threat posed by all that Debt other intensifying Forces are mobilizing to launch Mega-Moves. See our recent Alert, posted on DeepcasterLLC.

Note 2: Monitoring and Surmounting (when Possible) Cartel (see *) Interventions has long been a most important component of Deepcaster’s 4 Factor (Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals, Macros) approach to the Markets.

In this Letter we indicate how and in what situations Investors and Traders can Surmount and make some specific Buy Recommendations in our August Letter, “Surmounting Ongoing Interventions for Profit,” posted on

Note 3: Deepcaster’s Analyses indicate Key Sectors prepping to Launch Mega-Moves Very Soon.

See our Buy Recommendation aimed at doubling your money, or more, well before the end of 2019, in our latest Alert, “‘Buy Reco Aim: Double Money Before 2020,” posted in Alerts Cache, on

Note 4: Deepcaster and Key Independent Analysts are forecasting a Serious CRASH in a Key Sector in the Next few weeks, so serious that that Market will likely Freeze into a “No Bid” Status and cause certain other Markets to Crash and Freeze as well.

Read Deepcaster’s analysis in our recent Alert, “‘No Bid’ Crash in Key Sector(s) Coming Soon: Forecasts & BUY RECOS,” posted in Alerts Cache, on

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019 in just two weeks
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019 in just three weeks
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

* We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Overt and Covert Interventions by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and Favored Financial Institutions to read Deepcaster’s Report, “Surmounting Impending Unavoidable Market Sectors Disasters for Profit and Protection” on the ‘Two Free Reports’ page at Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at, including testimony before the CFTC, for information on precious metals price manipulation, and manipulation in other Markets. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster’s profitable recommendations displayed at have been facilitated by attention to these “Interventionals.” Attention to The Interventionals facilitated Deepcaster’s recommending five short positions prior to the Fall, 2008 Market Crash all of which were subsequently liquidated profitably.



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