Post-Election Mega Moves Imminent; BUY RECO & Forecasts; & re Recent BUY RECOs


Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macro Factors all indicate More Mega Moves are Coming in the Next Very Few days to very few weeks in Both our Bull and Bear Sectors. And we follow up on our correct forecasts and early warnings of the FAANG Takedown which is now well underway.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Post-Election Mega Moves Coming—Both Bull & Bear; BUY RECO; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Deepcaster’s new book, Profiting & Protecting from The Greatest Market Threats, Cartel Interventions, and Fake Economic News, is now available on Amazon in Kindle and Print formats.

Regarding Recent Profits Taken, see Note 1.

Regarding more Mega-Moves in Bull & Bear Sectors, see Note 2.

Regarding Key Sector Turning Points, see Note 3.

Regarding Key Market and Economic Realities, see Note 4.

Regarding Recent BUY RECOS including 24% Yield, as well as a $8 Recommendation with Great Yield/Gain Potential, and all Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Note 5.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 

Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Best Regards,

November 9, 2018

Note 1: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 40% Profit on the Volatility Index on October 23, 2018
  • 53% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on October 11, 2018
  • 53% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on September 11, 2018
  • 40% Profit on a Food Production & Water Rights Company on August 31, 2018
  • 28% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on July 27, 2018
  • 55% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company on May 11, 2018
  • 60% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner on March 23, 2018
  • 35% Profit on a High Yield Bond Fund Short on February 6, 2018
  • 50% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company on February 1, 2018
  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner on January 4, 2018

Note 2: Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macro Factors all indicate More Mega Moves are Coming in the Next Few days to very few weeks in Both our Bull and Bear Sectors.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “More Mega Moves Coming—Both Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 3: Key Sectors are at Major Turning Points both Bull and Bear. Our Forecasts identify these and provide BUY RECOs aimed at Profit and Protection.

Important to Note that the Private, For-Profit

“…Fed is blowing out $80 Billion of its Securities per month which is overwhelming demand and pushing interest rates higher…essentially shutting down the Housing and Construction industries…a major step toward…the next Recession.” Robert McHugh

See these Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Sectors Turning Points—Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 4: Savvy Investors know that there are several Key Market and Economic Realities which are NOT reported on by the Mainstream Financial Media, usually because of the Economic Interests of Media Owners and Allies — A Key Component of The “Deep State”.

So, given that Knowledge is Power and that awareness of these Realities is essential to Wise Investment Decisions, Deepcaster summarizes the most important of these so Investors can Profit and Protect.

See our summaries of these Realities in Deepcaster’s October Letter, “Surmounting (Censored!) Market & Economic Realities for Profit and Protection,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 5: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Three Keys for Profitably Surmounting Markets Manipulation and Precious Metals Price Suppression; & re Recent BUY RECOs


“As seen from the outside, the Massive Upheaval in Western Society is approaching the limit beyond which it will become Meta-Stable and Collapse.” Solzhenitsyn as quoted in The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail, 1974

Here we Reveal the heretofore unacknowledged Necessary Conditions for Profitably (to Investors) surmounting Precious Metals Price Suppression and other Markets Manipulation.

See our Solutions in Deepcaster’s November Letter, “Three Keys for Profitably Surmounting Markets Manipulation and Precious Metals Price Suppression,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Deepcaster’s new book, Profiting & Protecting from The Greatest Market Threats, Cartel Interventions, and Fake Economic News, is now available on Amazon in Kindle and Print formats.

Regarding more Mega-Moves in Bull & Bear Sectors, see Note 1.

Regarding Market Volatility and 9.5% Yield BUY RECO, see Note 2.

Regarding Key Sector Turning Points, see Note 3.

Regarding Key Market and Economic Realities, see Note 4.

Regarding Recent BUY RECOS including 24% Yield, as well as a $8 Recommendation with Great Yield/Gain Potential, and all Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Note 5.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 

Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Best Regards,

October 26, 2018

Note 1: Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macro Factors all indicate More Mega Moves are Coming in the Next Few days to very few weeks in Both our Bull and Bear Sectors.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “More Mega Moves Coming—Both Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 2: Last week’s Equities Rout was just the Beginning as Deepcaster earlier Forecast, except for Key Sectors which are likely to be very Bullish going forward. With Volatility UP now is the time Real Money can be made, see this week’s Bull Sector BUY RECO with a 9.5% Yield.

See our recent BUY RECOs and Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Climacterics NOW; BUY RECOS & Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 3: Key Sectors are at Major Turning Points both Bull and Bear. Our Forecasts identify these and provide BUY RECOs aimed at Profit and Protection.

Important to Note that the Private, For-Profit

“…Fed is blowing out $80 Billion of its Securities per month which is overwhelming demand and pushing interest rates higher…essentially shutting down the Housing and Construction industries…a major step toward…the next Recession.” Robert McHugh

See these Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Sectors Turning Points—Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 4: Savvy Investors know that there are several Key Market and Economic Realities which are NOT reported on by the Mainstream Financial Media, usually because of the Economic Interests of Media Owners and Allies — A Key Component of The “Deep State”.

So, given that Knowledge is Power and that awareness of these Realities is essential to Wise Investment Decisions, Deepcaster summarizes the most important of these so Investors can Profit and Protect.

See our summaries of these Realities in Deepcaster’s October Letter, “Surmounting (Censored!) Market & Economic Realities for Profit and Protection,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 5: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

See also Recent Profits Taken

More Mega Moves Coming—Both Bull & Bear; Forecasts; & re Recent BUY RECOs


Fundamentals, Technicals, Interventionals and Macro Factors all indicate More Mega Moves are Coming in the Next Few days to very few weeks in Both our Bull and Bear Sectors.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “More Mega Moves Coming—Both Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Deepcaster’s new book, Profiting & Protecting from The Greatest Market Threats, Cartel Interventions, and Fake Economic News, is now available on Amazon in Kindle and Print formats.

Regarding Market Volatility and 9.5% Yield BUY RECO, see Note 1.

Regarding Key Sector Turning Points, see Note 2.

Regarding Key Market and Economic Realities, see Note 3.

Regarding Recent BUY RECOS including 24% Yield, as well as a $8 Recommendation with Great Yield/Gain Potential, and all Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Note 4.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 

Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Best Regards,

October 24, 2018

Note 1: Last week’s Equities Rout was just the Beginning as Deepcaster earlier Forecast, except for Key Sectors which are likely to be very Bullish going forward. With Volatility UP now is the time Real Money can be made, see this week’s Bull Sector BUY RECO with a 9.5% Yield.

See our recent BUY RECOs and Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Climacterics NOW; BUY RECOS & Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 2: Key Sectors are at Major Turning Points both Bull and Bear. Our Forecasts identify these and provide BUY RECOs aimed at Profit and Protection.

Important to Note that the Private, For-Profit

“…Fed is blowing out $80 Billion of its Securities per month which is overwhelming demand and pushing interest rates higher…essentially shutting down the Housing and Construction industries…a major step toward…the next Recession.” Robert McHugh

See these Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Sectors Turning Points—Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 3: Savvy Investors know that there are several Key Market and Economic Realities which are NOT reported on by the Mainstream Financial Media, usually because of the Economic Interests of Media Owners and Allies — A Key Component of The “Deep State”.

So, given that Knowledge is Power and that awareness of these Realities is essential to Wise Investment Decisions, Deepcaster summarizes the most important of these so Investors can Profit and Protect.

See our summaries of these Realities in Deepcaster’s October Letter, “Surmounting (Censored!) Market & Economic Realities for Profit and Protection,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 4: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

See also Recent Profits Taken

Take appx 45% Profit NOW after just 68 Days!


As Deepcaster earlier correctly Forecast, the Equities Markets have been set up for a Big Takedown, which is now occurring.

Deepcaster’s Forecast is now being Realized due to various crises and challenges and Facts including especially those on which Deepcaster reports but the Main Stream Media does not!

Anticipating an Equities Takedown would generate Fear, about 2 months ago, we recommended Purchasing a leveraged ETN on the VIX or Volatility Index which is the so-called Fear Gauge — Velocity Shares Daily 2X VIX ST ETN (TVIX)

TVIX seeks to replicate, net of expenses, the returns of twice (2x) the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures index. Since FEAR has spiked as we Forecast, TVIX has shot UP. Therefore, we specifically recommend that DHPS Speculators

Sell Half of your TVIX shares TODAY NOW.

If you purchased TVIX when we recommended it on August 16, 2018 that would, as we write, generate about a 45% profit after just 68 days or over 200% annualized.

Also for those still holding our other VIX play UVXY, now is a good time to Exit those shares also.


Notice: Other Mega-Moves in Key Sectors are Coming Very Soon. Stay tuned to Deepcaster’s Letters and Alerts for our Forecasts.

See our recent profitable Buy Recommendations based on our Analyses and Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence.

Best regards,

October 23, 2018

Climacteric NOW; re Bull Sector BUY RECO with 9.5% Yield & Forecasts; & re Recent BUY RECOs


Last week’s Equities Rout was just the Beginning as Deepcaster earlier Forecast, except for Key Sectors which are likely to be very Bullish going forward. With Volatility UP now is the time Real Money can be made, see this week’s Bull Sector BUY RECO with a 9.5% Yield.

See our recent BUY RECOs and Forecasts in Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Climacterics NOW; BUY RECOS & Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Deepcaster’s new book, Profiting & Protecting from The Greatest Market Threats, Cartel Interventions, and Fake Economic News, is now available on Amazon in Kindle and Print formats.

Regarding Key Sector Turning Points, see Note 1.

Regarding Key Market and Economic Realities, see Note 2.

Regarding Recent BUY RECOS including 24% Yield, as well as a $8 Recommendation with Great Yield/Gain Potential, and all Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Notes 3, 4 and 5.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 

Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Best Regards,

October 18, 2018

Note 1: Key Sectors are at Major Turning Points both Bull and Bear. Our Forecasts identify these and provide BUY RECOs aimed at Profit and Protection.

Important to Note that the Private, For-Profit

“…Fed is blowing out $80 Billion of its Securities per month which is overwhelming demand and pushing interest rates higher…essentially shutting down the Housing and Construction industries…a major step toward…the next Recession.” Robert McHugh

See these Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “Key Sectors Turning Points—Bull & Bear; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 2: Savvy Investors know that there are several Key Market and Economic Realities which are NOT reported on by the Mainstream Financial Media, usually because of the Economic Interests of Media Owners and Allies — A Key Component of The “Deep State”.

So, given that Knowledge is Power and that awareness of these Realities is essential to Wise Investment Decisions, Deepcaster summarizes the most important of these so Investors can Profit and Protect.

See our summaries of these Realities in Deepcaster’s October Letter, “Surmounting (Censored!) Market & Economic Realities for Profit and Protection,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 3: Our Bull Sector 24% Yield, $13 Stock RECO meets Two Key Criteria for our Stock RECOs this year.

1)      Great Gain Potential — we expect Continued High yield and great stock Price Appreciation Potential and

2)      Be in our Top Two Bull Sectors likely to prosper even in the Mega-Markets Move which is coming soon!

See our Forecasts and our BUY RECO in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Bull Sector 24% Yield, $13 Stock & Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 4: $8 BUY RECO in Sector with Great Yield and Explosive Gain Potential. And Fed to support its Mega Bank Owners.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “$8 BUY RECO w Great Yield/Gain Prospects; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 5: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

See also Recent Profits Taken


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