The Big H Coming … Real Econ News/Forecasts


Yes indeed, The Big H is nearly inevitable …. Can long range U.S. Treasury Solvency Issues be successfully Addressed? But what is the Most Likely Scenario? See our Forecasts and BUY RECOs…. (See Notes 1 and 4)

[And, by the way, we recommended to our subscribers Weeks Ago that they get out of Facebook because it would Crash.]

See our Forecasts in our August Letter, “The Big H Coming … Real Econ News/Forecasts,” posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Regarding the One Major Force affecting nearly all markets, see Note 2.

Regarding the $US as World Reserve Currency, see Note 3.

Regarding all Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Note 4.

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Best Regards,

July 26, 2018

Note 1: Our Bull Sector BUY RECO generates a Yield of 8+%. It is our fourth recent Recommendation in this Sector and is both Inflation and Crash Resistant coupled with High Gain Potential. And it trades at just over $10 per Share.

See our Recommendation in our BUY RECO Alert, “Bull Sector BUY RECO—8+% Yield,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 2: Increasingly one Major Force is beginning to affect virtually all Markets. Position yourself NOW to Profit, or lose.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “THE BIG D Increasingly THE Major Market Mover Prep. NOW!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note3: The $US as World Reserve Currency and Gold are both under Coordinated Intensified Attack by the Central Bank/Mega-Bank Cartel. Buy our #1 Recommended Asset (Not Gold) for both Profit & Protection.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “$US as WRC & Gold Under Cartel Attack! Act NOW; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 4: Paid Subscribers can see all Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

THE BIG D Increasingly THE Major Market Mover: Prep. NOW!; Forecasts & re Buy Recos


Increasingly one Major Force is beginning to affect virtually all Markets. Position yourself NOW to Profit, or lose.

See our Forecasts in this week’s Alert, “THE BIG D Increasingly THE Major Market Mover: Prep. NOW!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Regarding the $US as World Reserve Currency, see Note 1.

Regarding Mega-Moves coming Next, see Notes 2 & 3.

Regarding all Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Note 4.

Regarding The Greatest Threat and the Great D.J., see Note 5.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 
Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Best Regards,

July 20, 2018

Note 1: The $US as World Reserve Currency and Gold are both under Coordinated Intensified Attack by the Central Bank/Mega-Bank Cartel. Buy our #1 Recommended Asset (Not Gold) for both Profit & Protection.

See our Forecasts in this week’s Alert, “$US as WRC & Gold Under Cartel Attack! Act NOW; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 2: H.O. on Horizon; Prepare Via Our Forecasts which are being Fulfilled; More Mega-Moves Coming in Key Sectors.

See our Forecasts in this week’s Alert, “H.O. on Horizon; Prepare Via Our Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache: Alerts: 06/June 2018’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 3: Our Forecasts are being Fulfilled; More Mega-Moves Coming in Key Sectors.

It is NOT too late to jump on Board, See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Mega-Moves Coming NEXT – See Our Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache: Alerts: 06/June 2018’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on

Note 4: Paid Subscribers can see all Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Note 5: Looking Ahead after The Greatest Threat Materializes, The Great D.J. is likely coming. Both will have a profound effect on our Economy and Markets.

And we are already seeing the Harbingers of the Materializing of The Great Threat. See also our recent Bull Sector BUY RECOS with High Yields and Great Gain Potential.

Read about these Developments and see our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “The Great D.J. Likely Coming—Prepare!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts: 05/May 2018’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on


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