THE BIG MOVES FORECAST & Recent Markets Rigging!

March 2022 Letter

THE BIG MOVES FORECAST & Recent Markets Rigging!



The first set of Big Moves which we earlier forecast has now occurred while there were many triggers it so happened that Ukraine was the trigger for this first set, but it could have been any of several others, others which still lurk


But it is also critical to note that on the first day when Russia invaded Ukraine, the major market indices crashed violently, BUT remarkably in the middle of that first day, they rallied to close up


And we know why– The Plunge Protection Team again, which is why we referred to “Interventionals” in the title of our book


Bottom line: we prospectively take account of Interventionals in our forecasting.


Importantly, in this March letter we reveal critically important Market and Economic REALITIES which will determine the performance of many markets for months to come


And we reveal these REALITIES, because many of them are hidden from Investors by the Fake News Main Stream Media but the REALITIES will to a great extent DETERMINE the markets and economic future.

Indeed, relying on such REALITIES allowed our subscribers to take 300% profit and 350% Profit just in the last two weeks!!


So log in to to see the REALITIES providing the basis for forecasts for what is coming


Very Best, Deepcaster 3/2/22

Monster Move Coming Very Soon! — Deepcaster February Letter

February 2022 Letter

Monster Move Coming Very Soon!



A very successful long time Investment Advisor recently forecast that a Monster Move was coming very soon in  Key Markets’


Deepcaster agrees.  To see what it is so you can Profit and Protect log in at!


  Indeed Deepcaster has also already forecast this Monster Move.   But why have others missed it?


The unfortunate truth is that many investors and traders rely on Fake or distorted Data and other Financial “News” to make investment decisions much to their detriment.  This Fake Data and “News” comes both from “Official” sources and from the Woke (Indoctrination) Mainstream Media


    Therefore, it is essential that at this critical time our subscribers have access   to accurate Real Econ. Data and News as well as other salient Realities e.g. about The Fed-led Cartel so they can maximize the chances of Profiting and Protecting


 For example,  Deepcaster months ago forecast that we were moving into Inflation intensifying into Hyperinflation.

  And we were right : recently reported that Real Inflation was 14.9%!!  Thus Shadowstats corrected the BLS Political Numbers


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2022 possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ.Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial profits in recent months as high as 110% in January, 75% in March 2020.  80% in May, 2021, 50% on November 30, 2021, and 65% in January 2022 !.


Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days


So Log in to to see the Impending Monster Move


Very best,  Deepcaster  2/8/22

Profit/Protection “Nuggets” for 2022

January 2022 Letter

Profit/Protection “Nuggets” for 2022



    The unfortunate truth is that many investors and traders rely on Fake or distorted Data and other Financial “News”to make investment decisions much to their detriment.  


      This Fake Data and “News” comes both from “Official” sources and from the Woke (Indoctrination) Mainstream Media


    As we move into 2022, we are at a number of decision points, launch points, and turning points.


    Therefore, it is essential that at this critical time our subscribers have access   to accurate Real Econ.Data and News as well as other salient Realities e.g. about The Fed-led Cartel so they can maximize the chances of Profiting and Protecting


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2021 possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ.Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial Profits in recent months as high as 110% in January, 75% in March 2020.  80% in May, 2021. and 50% on November 30, 2021 !


Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days


So log in to to see “Nuggets” of Real Data Real News and other Realities essential to profit and protect as we move into 2022.


Best regards, Deepcaster  12/27/21

Deep State Impending MEGAmoves’ MEGAeffects coming soon! Deepcaster December Letter

December 2021 Letter

Deep State Impending MEGAmoves’ MEGAeffects coming soon!



           The years-long suppression of Gold and Silver Prices by The Fed-led Banking Cartel is no surprise to long time readers of  Its intent was and is to keep investors in their Treasury Securities and Fiat Currencies (including Crypto)


       But years of Fed created ultra-low interest rates –aimed at maintaining the Solvency and Profitability of their client banks–  is coming home to roost in the form of INTENSIFYING INFLATION  and UNPAYABLE DEBTS.  The US Debt of $$ 30 Trillion can never be repaid without   diminishing the purchasing power of the $$US , i.e. causing intensifying Inflation.


    But The Fed’s recent enactment of mini-tapering is way late to the game, and even if Fed starts raising interest rates in the middle of next year or earlier, the INFLATION BEAST is out of the Deep State’s bag and Deep State Bankers and collaborators will be force to do much more to maintain their power and wealth.  In sum, the signs are that …


   The Deep State is planning to institute new MEGAMOVES even more Potent than merely suppressing the Prices of Gold and Silver and suppressing interest rates.


Thus, it is essential to see what likely MEGA MOVES are coming in order to Profit and Protect.  And we reveal these in this December Letter


As background note that:

A MEGA MOVE which we earlier forecast had almost begun to launch and after launch we expected its effects would be felt in almost all other Sectors in a very few weeks. See our recent letters and alerts.  However, since we posted the October letter, one of several Black Swans lurking actually occurred, and delayed our forecast MEGA Moves for a very few weeks. 


Thu, in our recent Alert we identify that Black Swan and forecast how long its effect is likely to last, and what we expect to happen when the Black Swan’s effect has diminished. Specifically, we expect at least one of our forecast MEGA MOVES to begin then.  And this MEGA MOVE will enable Profit Taking in certain of the aforementioned Sectors.


Remember that Deepcaster’s forecasts are based on REAL Economic Data and not on the political numbers coming out of the BLS or MSM

Those REAL data are set forth in our recent Alerts and letters and are essential to consider in order to profit and protect going forward

And also consider that one of our recent BUY RECOs is also aimed at riding the coming Profit and Protection.

Based on its high a couple of years ago, that BUY RECO has at least 1,000% Profit potential.


Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2021 possible.  Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ. Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial Profits in recent months as high as 110% in January , 75% in March 2020. and 80% in May, 2021. Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


Log in at to also see

1)  Key Econ, Market, Commodity, & Political Facts impelling Impending Mega Moves, and

2)  our most recent Alerts and August, September, October and November letters as well as Current Forecasts and Recommendations based on the Real Economic Data which we IDENTIFY AND REVEAL and the forecast timing for MEGA MOVES which are coming ever closer and recent BUY RECOs aimed at Mega Profits and Protection!!

We reiterate: our two most recent BUY RECOs have multi-hundred % Profit Potential!


So login to to see our most recent BUY RECOS and the Real Econ Data to maximize the opportunity to 

Profit and Protect from coming MEGA Moves’ MEGAEFFECTS.


Very best,  Deepcaster   11/23/21


Key Real Data  & Real Data-backed Projections

November 2021 Letter

Key Real Data  & Real Data-backed Projections

Last week we called subscribers attention to the fact that Of all the Indicators of short and long-term Economic and Equities Markets Activity, there is ONE which is almost universally acknowledged as being the most Predictive and therefore the most important.

That ONE is NOW strongly signaling.  However, the Mainstream Financial Media Talking Heads  are MISINTERPRETING this Signaling and thus Deepcaster is greatly concerned that Investors and traders will greatly suffer and soon!

So Deepcaster provided our forecast ACCURATE INTERPRETATION, and therefore the Necessary Condition for Profiting and Protecting!

But there are other Real Data/Indicators that are very important also and these are often disregarded or distorted and misreported by The Fake News Media   And it is those we report on this week

Log in at  NOW to see Key Real Data  & Real Data-backed Projections

And then review our recent Letters and Alerts to see our analyses and

Buy Recos aimed at Profit and Protection.

And note that:

A MEGA MOVE which we earlier forecast  had almost begun to launch and after launch we expected its effects would be felt in almost all other Sectors in a very few weeks.. See our recent letters and alerts

However,  since we posted the October letter, one of several Black Swans lurking actually occurred, and delayed our forecast MEGA Moves for a very few weeks.  Thus in our recent Alert we identify that Black Swan and forecast how long its effect is likely to last, and what we expect to happen when the Black Swan’s effect has diminished.

Specifically we expect at least one of our forecast MEGA MOVES to begin then

And this MEGA MOVE will enable Profit Taking in certain of the aforementioned Sectors.


Remember that Deepcaster’s forecasts are based on REAL Economic Data and not on the political numbers coming out of the BLS.

Those REAL data are set forth in our recent Alerts and letters and are essential to consider in order to profit and protect going forward

And also consider that our other recent BUY RECO is also aimed at riding the coming Profit and Protection.

Based on its high a couple of years ago, that BUY RECO has at least 1,000% Profit potential.

Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for Real Data which has made Deepcaster’s extraordinary Profits Taken record in 2020-2021 possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ. Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial Profits in recent months as high as 110% in January , 75% in March 2020. and 80% in May, 2021. Consider e.g. 2020:

* 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020

* 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020

* 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020

* 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020

* 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020

* 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020

* 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)

* 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020

* 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020

* 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.


Log in at to also see

1)  Key Econ, Market,Commodity, & Political Facts impelling Impending Mega Moves, and

2)  our most recent Alerts and August, September, October and November letters  as well as Current Forecasts and Recommendations based on the Real Economic Data which we IDENTIFY AND REVEAL and the forecast timing for MEGA MOVES which are coming ever closer and recent BUY RECOs aimed at Mega Profits and Protection!!

We reiterate: our two most recent BUY RECOs have multi-hundred % Profit Potential!

Perhaps most important, in the October Letter we Identified Sectors/Investments which provide the Best Opportunities for Profit and Protection going forward.

login at


Very best,   Deepcaster  10/29/21


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