Take 40% Profit NOW after just two weeks!



Take 40% Profit NOW after just two weeks!



We reiterate that Official Sources of Econ. and Markets Information are often wrong, whether intentionally or not.  

And that can/does have devastating effects on one’s portfolio.

Fortunately we have developed independent and usually accurate sources of information

And this allows us to expose and correct Key Distortions ,  an essential task to enable Mega-Profits and Protection


And our past Exposes and consequent Buy Recos have for example enabled subscribers to take 300%, 100%, and 350% Profit just in this past April alone.


And today just after two weeks since we recommended it, one of our Recos is already up about 40%!

So log in to deepcaster.com to see our recent Reco and to take profit.!


Kudos!   –  Deepcaster    6/17/22

Take 100% Profit Today



Take 100% Profit Today – Not a Joke

The first set of Big Moves which we earlier forecast has now occurred.

While there were many triggers it so happened that Ukraine was the trigger for this first set, but it could have been any of several others, others which still lurk.  But it is also critical to note that on the first day when Russia invaded Ukraine, the major market indices crashed violently, BUT remarkably in the middle of that first day, they rallied to close up


And we know why– The Plunge Protection Team again, which is why we referred to “Interventionals” in the title of our book.

Bottom line: we prospectively take account of Interventionals in our forecasting as well as other key Market and Economic REALITIES.


Importantly, in our March letter we revealed critically important Market and Economic REALITIES which will determine the performance of many markets for months to come, INCLUDING THE NEXT SET OF MEGA-MOVES. 


And most importantly we have been monitoring these REALITIES for years.   And this monitoring has enabled us to pick Sectors and Equities with very high profit potential, which includes today’s Equity on which we recommend taking 100% Profit!


   Also critical is that many of these REALITIES are hidden from Investors by the Fake News Main Stream Media,  yet these REALITIES will to a great extent DETERMINE the markets and economic future.

Indeed, relying on such REALITIES allowed our subscribers to take 300% profit and 350% Profit just in the last three weeks!!


So log in to deepcaster.com to see the REALITIES providing the basis for forecasts for what is coming our CURRENT BUY RECOS, and to see our Take Profit recommendation!!


Congratulations!     Deepcaster   4/1/22


Take 350% Profit Today (Yes! Again!)



Take 350% Profit Today – As in Right NOW

    Politics often significantly affects economics and the markets. Now we are dealing with the consequences of the Biden administration’s policy mistakes.  Two of many are:

   —–The Biden adm. stopped completion of the Keystone pipeline and Halted drilling and some Production and Leasing on Federal lands

         Result: Oil,Nat Gas and Gasoline Prices spiked and importantly the USA lost its Energy Independence…thus injuring National Security


  —— the Biden adm. conducted a catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan leaving behind American forces, citizens, and allies,

                and left some $80 Billion of top-quality military equipment for the Taliban and CPCChinese.

                and left the Bagram air base de facto to the CPCChinese 

                and left the CPCChinese/Taliban in control of the trove of minerals in Afghanistan.


The aforementioned predictably emphasized the Biden Administration’s incompetence and weakness. and

          Since weakness invites aggression from competitors, Russia invaded Ukraine


       The aforementioned plus the Fed’s wrongheaded Monetary policy of reckless money printing and interest rate suppression led us several months ago to put on positions which would allow our subscribers to profit and protect.  That decision is now bearing fruit as one of those positions is up about 350% and it is time to take profit.


     Login at deepcaster.com to see that position

Deepcaster 2/24/2022

Take over 300% Profit today NOW! — Deepcaster Alert — Happy Valentines Day!!



Take 300% Profit Today – As in Right NOW

   By early 2020 it had become clear to Deepcaster that The Fed was artificially keeping interest rates too low and that therefore many companies were loading up with debt which could never be repaid if interest rates and/or inflation spiked.   And we thought then that both Inflation and rates would spike and the NASDAQ would crater


   Therefore we recommended putting on a leveraged short play on the NASDAQ  —  SQQQ


  Now the aforementioned spikes are occurring and SQQQ has more than tripled since we recommended putting it on.  Therefore we make the following Recommendation to consider:


  Sell half your holdings of SQQQ @ $40/share or better


   That should result in more than 300% Profit for you if you bought it when we recommended it.


  Happy Valentines Day!


Take 65% Profit Today – As in Right NOW



Take 65% Profit Today – As in Right NOW

As Deepcaster correctly Forecast the Equities Markets are in a Mega-Crash Leg Mode today.

And if you bought TWM (Proshares ultrashort Russell 2000) when we recommended it you should be up about 65% now

So, Deepcaster’s Recommendation to Consider:

Sell half your position in TWM today NOW!

Congratulations  Deepcaster   1/24/22


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