Take Appx 75% Profit After Only 35 Days! Today NOW!!


Deepcaster’s view that a Few Key Sectors offer both great Profit Potential and Wealth Protection is being borne out.

Indeed we have made several such recommendations recently, all with great profit potential. (See Our BUY RECOS) Indeed, most have multi-Hundred % Profit Potential.

Today we recommend taking profit on ProShares UltraShort Basic Materials (SMN), a tracking ETF, which means it is designed to achieve investments results 2X the inverse of the performance of the Dow-Jones Basic Materials Index.

Given the Economic Impact of the CoVid-19 Pandemic and Oil Price War, the Demand for Basic Materials has predictably diminished.

Accordingly, SMN is up about 75% since we recommended it only 35 days ago.

Recommendation to Consider:

Sell All of your remaining holdings of ProShares UltraShort Basic Materials (SMN) at $44.00 per share or better.

And see Deepcaster’s other recent RECOs which have multi-100% Profit and Wealth Protection Potential.


Best regards,


March 16, 2020

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Note 1: One Mega-Development is coming Soon which will dramatically affect virtually all major Sectors. And “Soon” means it could Start any time, i.e., in the next Few Weeks or Very Few Months.

The only absolute Certainty is that it will Come. Thus, Deepcaster describes how to prepare to Profit and Protect.

Consider the Realities which Deepcaster and a very few other independent Writers have been noting in the last few months in our March Letter posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: Deepcaster forecasts a Big Move coming in a Key Sector Very Soon.

We offer a BUY RECO aimed at Profiting From it Very Soon. See Deepcaster’s Alert, “Big Move Forecast BUY RECO Profit Aim,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Key Mainstream Financial Media are often complicit in suppressing or outright distorting Critical Economic, Market and other important News.

Such is the case today and thus we rectify that by reporting critically important Real News for You Today NOW for your Profit & Protection. See Deepcaster’s latest ALERT, “Real News NOW for Profit & Protection,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken this year and in 2019 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 45% Profit on a tracking ETF on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on a leverage ETN on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond ETF Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.
  • 60% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on November 4, 2019
  • 60% Profit on Bull Silver Play on August 27, 2019

Take Appx 50% Profit Again! Today NOW!!


Deepcaster’s view that a Few Key Sectors offer both great Profit Potential Wealth Protection almost regardless of what is happening in broader Markets is being borne out.

Indeed we have made two such recommendations just this year, both with great profit potential. (See Our BUY RECOS) Indeed, we think both have multi-Hundred % Profit Potential.

Today we recommend taking profit on iPath Bloomberg Grains SubTR ETN (JJG). JJG is a tracking ETN, which means it is designed to track a “Market Basket” of Grains.

Thus it has been in a nice uptrend because, regardless of what is or might happen in the Economy and Markets, with the World Population increasing by 80 Million Per Year, the demand for grains is almost guaranteed to increase.

Indeed, JJG is up again about 50% since we recommended it.

Recommendation to Consider:

Sell Half of your remaining holdings of iPath Bloomberg Grains SubTR ETN (JJG) at $43.00 per share or better.

And see Deepcaster’s recent RECOs which have multi-100% Profit and Wealth Protection Potential.


Best regards,

March 4, 2020

NOTE: In light of the Major Recent and Prospective Changes in the International Economy and Markets, the Prospects for profiting from certain of our Portfolio Positions have diminished. Accordingly, we will be deleting these from our Portfolio recommendations in the next few days and you should monitor these Portfolios to see whether you wish to sell or retain these positions.

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Take Profit TODAY NOW!


As Deepcaster earlier correctly Forecast, the Equities Markets have been set up for a Big Takedown, which is now occurring.

Deepcaster’s Forecast Takedown is now being Realized due to various crises and challenges and Facts including especially those on which Deepcaster reports but the Main Stream Media does not!

Anticipating an Equities Takedown would generate Fear, about 3 months ago, we recommended Purchasing a leveraged ETN on the VIX or Volatility Index which is the so-called Fear Gauge — Velocity Shares Daily 2X VIX ST ETN (TVIX)

TVIX seeks to replicate, net of expenses, the returns of twice (2x) the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures index. Since FEAR has spiked as we Forecast, TVIX (even after a Split) has shot UP. Therefore, we specifically recommend that DHPS Speculators

Sell your TVIX shares TODAY NOW.

If you purchased TVIX when we recommended it in November 2019, you should have a nice profit, though the Market is moving too fast for a close estimation of how much that profit will be, but today it could be 50% or more. Therefore, sell at the Market.


Notice: Other Mega-Moves in Key Sectors are Coming Very Soon. Stay tuned to Deepcaster’s Letters and Alerts for our Forecasts. See especially our recent recommendations for Profit and Protection.

See our recent profitable Buy Recommendations based on our Analyses and Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence.

Best regards,

February 28, 2020

Great Profit Opportunities Keep Coming — Take Appx 55% Profit Today NOW!! After Just Under One Year


The Positions we have recommended have started to pay off Big Time.

And we expect that more of the Positions we have recommended will produce Mega-Gains and soon.

We recently recommended taking 110% profit after just 14 Days. And Today, we are recommending Taking approximately 55% Profit on a Trade we recommended just a year ago – see this week’s Alert, “Great Profit Opportunities Keep Coming Take Appx 55% Profit Today NOW!! After Just Under One Year,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

But to Participate in Deepcaster’s other high Potential Recommendations, it is essential to read our recent Alerts and Letters on Deepcaster.com.


Best regards,

February 24, 2020

*We consider, not only Fundamentals and Technicals, but also Interventionals and Macro.

Note 1: One Mega-Development is coming Soon which will dramatically affect virtually all major Sectors. And “Soon” means it could Start any time, i.e., in the next Few Weeks or Very Few Months.

The only absolute Certainty is that it will Come. Thus, Deepcaster describes how to prepare to Profit and Protect.

Consider the Realities which Deepcaster and a very few other independent Writers have been noting in the last few months in our March Letter posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: Deepcaster forecasts a Big Move coming in a Key Sector Very Soon.

We offer a BUY RECO aimed at Profiting From it Very Soon. See Deepcaster’s Alert, “Big Move Forecast BUY RECO Profit Aim,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Key Mainstream Financial Media are often complicit in suppressing or outright distorting Critical Economic, Market and other important News.

Such is the case today and thus we rectify that by reporting critically important Real News for You Today NOW for your Profit & Protection. See Deepcaster’s latest ALERT, “Real News NOW for Profit & Protection,” on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 4: You may have a Unique Opportunity to Buy a Stock which has Multi-Hundred% Appreciation Potential This Year, and, because of the Nature of its Business, it is Crash Resistant.

And you can Buy it Today for less than $14 per share. See Deepcaster’s BUY RECO ALERT on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 5: Fundamentals, Technicals, and Macro all agree, Reversals in Key Sectors are highly likely. Consider the Causes and the Sectors.

See our Alert, “Key Sector Reversals Impending,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 6: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken this year and in 2019 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond ETF Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.
  • 60% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on November 4, 2019
  • 60% Profit on Bull Silver Play on August 27, 2019
  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019


Take Appx 110% Profit Today NOW!! After Just 14 Days


Deepcaster’s 4 Factor Approach to Investing and Trading is performing beautifully for Profits as Volatility continues to Intensify, as we forecast.

Indeed, we expect several multi-100 percent profits Taken in the next few months.

We recommended that you consider buying Call Options on TLT.

TLT seeks to track the investment results of the ICE U.S. Treasury 20+ Year Bond Index (the “underlying index”). The fund generally invests at least 90% of its assets in the bonds of the underlying index and at least 95% of its assets in U.S. government bonds. The underlying index measures the performance of public obligations of the U.S. Treasury that have a remaining maturity greater than or equal to twenty years.

And TLT has launched up in the last two weeks.

So today, we recommend you sell all of your position in March 20, 2020 140 Calls (TLT 200320C00140000) (iShares 20+ Year T-Bond ETF ) Today!

If you bought this ETF when we recommended it, that is appx a 110% profit in just 14 Days.


And see Deepcaster’s other recent RECOs which have multi-100% Profit and Wealth Protection Potential.

Best regards,

January 24, 2020

Note 1: Fundamentals, Technicals, and Macro all agree, Reversals in Key Sectors are highly likely. Consider the Causes and the Sectors.

See our Alert, “Key Sector Reversals Impending,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 2: Given all the Triggers and Uncertainties, it is almost a given that there is more extreme Volatility Ahead, especially when the “Animal Spirits” are running hot as they are now.

So we made a Buy Recommendation which provides Great Profit potential and Wealth Protection at the same time. See our Alert, “Profit & Protection from Animal Spirits BUY RECO,” posted on Deepcaster LLC.

Note 3: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken this year in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios:

  • 60% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on November 4, 2019
  • 60% Profit on Bull Silver Play on August 27, 2019
  • 14% Profit on a Triple-Leveraged ETF on August 5, 2019
  • 72% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on June 24, 2019
  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF on May 7, 2019
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019


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