May Letter Part 2: Real Gains for 2019, 2020 & Beyond; & re Take 32% Profit


Precious Metals Price Suppression

Accordingly, Gold and Silver Prices — as Safe Haven Assets protecting from Market Crashes and Inflation — should reflect the aforementioned Monetary Inflation, and indeed they have in certain periods. But owning Gold and Silver is challenging.

That is because the prices of the aforementioned Precious Metals and other commodities,  are, and have for years been, the victims of Interventional Action (i.e., Price Suppression) by a Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers and their Allies and Agents. Read Part 2 of our May 2019 Letter.

Regarding Maximizing Real Gains in 2019, 2020 and Beyond: May Letter PART 1, see Note 1.

Regarding A Key Sector Mega-Reversal, see Note 2.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Take 32% Profit in just three weeks, see Note 3.

Regarding ramifications for several Market Sectors, see Note 4 for more Buy Recos & Investment Intelligence.

Note 1: A brief retrospective look is quite important for making Investment and Trading decisions going forward. Throughout the first 3 quarters of 2018, Equities Markets chopped higher. But come the Fall, 2018 a variety of concerns caused a substantial drop.

Thus, at the beginning of 2019, Investors and Traders were presented with the Issue of what to do to Maximize Real Gains, and avoid losses, in 2019, 2020 and beyond. See Deepcaster’s latest Letter.

Note 2:A Key Sector Mega-Reversal is likely very soon. See our Analysis In Deepcaster’s latest Alert, “Key Sector Mega-Reversal Coming!” posted on to prepare to Profit and Protect.

Note 3: This week, Deepcaster recommended taking 32% Profit on a  major leveraged Volatility ETF, recommended on April 18, 2019 (see Note 4) because of the increasing probability of the realization of volatility-generating developments—China trade tensions, credit defaults, and other Economic, Financial, Political factors—Intensifying as we have detailed in our recent Letters and Alerts.

Note 4: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 32% Profit on a Market Volatility ETF in just three weeks on May 7, 2019
  • 50% Profit on a Gold Royalty Company on April 8, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on January 22, 2019
  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018

Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS especially of a recently recommended Gold Royalty company and an oil & gas service company with a recent yield in excess of 20%. See also Recent Profits Taken and Portfolios.

As Deepcaster forecast, Volatility and Sector Mega-Move Trends are intensifying and we expect them to intensify further.

Take Appx 27% Profit on Market Volatility ETF Now, TODAY!


In mid-April, Deepcaster recommended buying a  major leveraged Volatility ETF because of the increasing probability of the realization of volatiliity-generating developments—China trade tensions, credit defaults, and other Economic, Financial, Political factors—Intensifying as we have detailed in our recent Letters and Alerts.

All of the above likely meant dramatically increased Volatility in the Equities and other Markets, and soon. Soon has arrived. Therefore, consider:

If you bought UVXY when Deepcaster recommended it, sell half your shares today, now. We expect this volatility to continue but we also believe in taking profit when you have it.


Best regards,

May 7, 2019

Take Appx 50% Profit After Just Seven Months! Today NOW!!


Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (OR) acquires and manages precious metal and other royalties, streams, and similar interests in Canada and internationally. Its assets include the 5% net smelter return (NSR) royalty on the Canadian Malartic mine; the 2.0% to 3.5% NSR royalty on the Eleonore mine; a 9.6% diamond stream on the Renard diamond mine; a 4% gold and silver stream on the Brucejack gold and silver mine; and a silver stream on the Gibraltar mine, all located in Canada. The company also has a 100% silver stream on the Mantos Blancos copper mine in Chile. It holds a portfolio of approximately 130 royalties, streams, and precious metal offtakes in North America; and owns rights to participate in future royalty/stream financings on various projects primarily in Canada. Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd is headquartered in Montreal, Canada.

Less than seven months ago, we recommended OR, the stock was selling at just over $7.65 per share. We concluded that owning shares in OR is an excellent way to own an interest in Gold and other Valuable hard Assets. Therefore, given its focus on Precious Metals, it provides some downside protection against substantial Market and/or Economic downturns going forward.

And given our (correct) forecast that the Precious Metals were going to launch up, we recommended buying OR.  As we write, shares are trading just under $11.45. That’s about a 50% profit. While we believe OR has some more upside, we believe in taking profits when we have them. Therefore we offer this recommendation.

Recommendation to Consider:

Sell Half your holdings of Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (OR) at $11.40 per share or better.


Best regards,

April 8, 2019

Take Appx 70% Profit Again! Today NOW!


JJG tracks an index of futures on three grains: corn, soybeans, and wheat. The contracts can vary in maturity, from one to five months, at any given time. While the note tracks the same three grains as our segment benchmark, it weights them differently—the benchmark is production-weighted, while JJG is weighted by both production and liquidity.

At the time we recommended JJG, the stock was selling at just over $28.00 per share. We concluded that owning shares in JJG is an excellent way to own an interest in Food Production. Therefore, given its focus on Agriculture and Water, it provides some downside protection against substantial Market and/or Economic downturns going forward.

As we write, shares are trading above $48.00. That’s about a 70% profit. But we believe in taking profits when we have them. Therefore, we offer this recommendation.

Recommendation to Consider:

Sell Half of your remaining holdings of iPath Bloomberg Grains SubTR ETN (JJG) at $47.00 per share or better.


Best regards,

January 22, 2019

Note 1: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 115% Profit on the Volatility Index on January 3, 2019
  • 70% Profit on a Bull Sector ETF/ETN on December 12, 2018
  • 60% Profit on the Volatility Index on December 6, 2018
  • 40% Profit on the Volatility Index on October 23, 2018
  • 53% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on October 11, 2018
  • 53% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on September 11, 2018
  • 40% Profit on a Food Production & Water Rights Company on August 31, 2018
  • 28% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on July 27, 2018
  • 55% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company on May 11, 2018
  • 60% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner on March 23, 2018
  • 35% Profit on a High Yield Bond Fund Short on February 6, 2018
  • 50% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company on February 1, 2018
  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner on January 4, 2018

Note 2: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Take appx 120% Profit NOW after just 140 Days!


As Deepcaster earlier correctly Forecast, the Equities Markets have been set up for a Big Takedown, which is now occurring.

Deepcaster’s Forecast is now being Realized due to various crises and challenges and Facts including especially those on which Deepcaster reports but the Main Stream Media does not!

Anticipating an Equities Takedown would generate Fear, about 5 months ago, we recommended Purchasing a leveraged ETN on the VIX or Volatility Index which is the so-called Fear Gauge — Velocity Shares Daily 2X VIX ST ETN (TVIX)

TVIX seeks to replicate, net of expenses, the returns of twice (2x) the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures index. Since FEAR has spiked as we Forecast, TVIX has shot UP. Therefore, we specifically recommend that DHPS Speculators

Sell Half of your remaining TVIX shares TODAY NOW.

If you purchased TVIX when we recommended it on August 16, 2018 that would, as we write, generate about a 120% profit after just 140 days or about 305% Annualized.

Also for those still holding our other VIX play UVXY, now is a good time to Exit those shares too.


Notice: Other Mega-Moves in Key Sectors are Coming Very Soon. Stay tuned to Deepcaster’s Letters and Alerts for our Forecasts. See especially our recent recommendations for Profit and Protection.

See our recent profitable Buy Recommendations based on our Analyses and Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence.

Best regards,

January 3, 2019


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