INFLATION Profit and Protection BUY RECO  —  Deepcaster


Week ending  6/11/21

INFLATION Profit and Protection BUY RECO  —  Deepcaster

        Deepcaster has for months been warning about impending and then intensifying INFLATION (i.e. diminishing purchasing power of Fiat Currencies).

        Well now INFLATION is here and it is intensifying. So in order to Profit and Protect from the intensifying INFLATION it is essential to hold Assets which Profit from the intensifying inflation AND are protected and  even profit from the consequent increasing Economic Stagnation/recession (i.e. Stagflation).

        So this week’s Buy Reco is aimed at doing both and is well- positioned to do so…..It is a substantial international company which has been operating for many years. So log in to to see the Buy Reco and then you will see why we have chosen it

        In making this choice Deepcaster relied on Real Econ Data as we do for making sound Forecasts for Inflation, GDP , Unemployment, M1, and M2 , $US, Energy, Interest Rates and Gold,, Silver, and Cryptos

Fortunately, Deepcaster has Superb Sources for all of the above which has made Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2020-2021 record possible.

Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and Macro and Real Econ.Data, has facilitated Recommendations which have returned substantial Profits in recent months as high as 110% in January , 75% in March 2020. and 80% in May, 2021. Consider:

  • 90% Profit on Energy Sector Call Option on November 11, 2020
  • 65% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on August 21, 2020
  • 75% Profit on Gold Miners ETF on July 28, 2020
  • 50% Profit on Precious Metals on June 30, 2020
  • 75% Profit on a Sector tracking ETF on March 16, 2020
  • 45% Profit on Basic Materials on March 9, 2020
  • 53% Profit on a Sector tracking ETN on March 4, 2020 (the 4th Take Profit on this ETN)
  • 62% Profit on the VIX on February 28, 2020
  • 55% Profit on an ETN on February 24, 2020
  • 110% Profit on a T-Bond Call on January 24, 2020 in just 14 days.

So Log in to to see our most recent Buy Reco as well as Current Forecasts and Recommendations based on the Real Economic Data which we identify and the forecast Mega Moves which are coming ever closer!!

   Very best,




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