Forecasts for Gold, Silver and Equities



Forecasts for Gold, Silver and Equities

Longtime subscribers to Deepcaster know that we have made a convincing case that The Banking Cartel has for years suppressed the prices of Gold and Silver in order to keep investors in their Fiat Currencies and Treasury Securities.

Subscribers also know that Deepcaster expects the P.M’s , and especially Silver, to break free some time in the next very few months because demand for Silver is greatly outstripping supply. And Gold would launch up very soon thereafter.

And subscribers also know that we expect additional Mega Moves in Equities

[ Important to note that our subscribers were able to make 300%, 350% and 100% Profit from Deepcaster’s Buy Recos in just last month alone!!]

So the Big Question is WHEN? will the next Mega Moves providing HUGE Profit Potential in Gold, Silver and Equities occur?

We give Deepcaster’s and other analysts’ forecasts in this week’s Alert

So log in to to see our past, present, and prospective Buy Recos.

Very best,



BUY RECO via  Mega Move = HUGE Profit Potential!



BUY RECO via  Mega Move = HUGE Profit Potential!  

The Mega Moves we have seen in Key Sectors recently are not over.  We expect to see continuing Mega Moves, though not all in the same Sectors as recently.  And the Mega Move we expect to see very soon should provide Great Profit for today’s BUY RECO.

We must note that in the last month our subscribers have been able to take 300%, 350% and 100% Profit on our Buy Recos based on Deepcaster’s forecasts.

Deepcaster’s forecasts are based largely on Market and Economic REALITIES, which the Mainstream Media either censors or refuses to report.  See our recent Letters and Alerts for a reprise re what these are. One important one is Inflation which is already running at 16%.. ..twice what the Fake News MSM claims it is. That means that the Purchasing Power of Fiat Currencies/Cash is eroding rapidly i.e. NOW and in the Foreseeable Future. All the more important, therefore, to consider Deepcaster’s Analyses, Forecasts, and Buy Recos

So log in to to see today’s BUY RECO

  Best regards,


Mega Move Forecasts — Key Sectors w. Great Profits or Losses Likely – Deepcaster May Letter

Deepcaster May Letter

Mega Move Forecasts — Key Sectors w. Great Profits or Losses Likely


The Mega Moves we have seen in Key Sectors recently are not over.  We expect to see continuing Mega Moves, though not all in the same Sectors as recently.

We must note that in the last month our subscribers have been able to take 300%, 350% and 100% Profit on our Buy Recos based on Deepcaster’s forecasts.  Deepcaster’s forecasts are based largely on Market and Economic REALITIES, which the Mainstream Media either censors or refuses to report.  See our recent Letters and Alerts for a reprise re what these are. One important one is Inflation which is already running at 16%.. ..twice what the Fake News MSM claims it is..That means that the Purchasing Power of Fiat Currencies/Cash is eroding repidly i.e. NOW and in the Forseeable Future. All the more important, therefore, to consider Deepcaster’s Analyses, Forecasts, and Buy Recos

And today we issue the May Letter which Forecasts coming MEGA moves in Key Sectors and Sector “Buy” Recos so subscribers can prep. to Profit and Protect. There are many “Macro” Realities/Risks (e.g. Black Swans) to serve as Triggers so we, like the Boy Scouts, need to “Be prepared”

So log in to to see the Mega Moves which are likely coming, and which investments to make in order to profit and protect short, medium, and long term.

Very best,

Keys to Profiting and Protecting from the Coming Stagflation!



Keys to Profiting and Protecting from the Coming Stagflation!


  Recently Deepcaster described the KEY CENSORED MARKET & ECON. REALITIES which are a MUST SEE FOR PROFIT & PROTECTION

“Soaring U.S. Inflation and a Faltering Economy Were in Place and Worse Than Headlined, Long Before Russia Invaded Ukraine”

Thus begins the uncensored Headline REALITIES from


Understanding these particular Key REALITIES is ESSENTIAL for PROFITING and PROTECTING going forward

It is attention to such KEY REALITIES that has allowed Deepcaster Subscribers to take 300%, 350% and 100% profit within the past month!!.

So log in to to see these KEY REALITIES & BUY RECOS!


  Now that we have laid out these REALITIES and especially the REALITY OF INTENSIFYING INFLATION, in this Alert we provide specific Keys to Profiting and Protecting from the Coming Stagflation!


Login to to see them.


Very best,   Deepcaster    April 15, 2022





“Soaring U.S. Inflation and a Faltering Economy Were in Place and Worse Than Headlined, Long Before Russia Invaded Ukraine”

Thus begins the uncensored Headline REALITIES from

Understanding these particular Key REALITIES is ESSENTIAL for PROFITING and PROTECTING going forward

It is attention to such KEY REALITIES that has allowed Deepcaster Subscribers to take 300%, 350% and 100% profit within the past month.

So log in to to see these KEY REALITIES & BUY RECOS!!


   Very best,




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