
We recommended Nevsun Resources (NSU) a couple of years ago. It engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and operation of mineral properties in Africa and now in Serbia. The company explores for gold, copper, zinc, and silver deposits. Its principal property is the Bisha property located in Western Eritrea, North-Eastern Africa, which is relatively stable, nonetheless Somewhat Risky. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.

And we recommended buying it because of its Free Cash Flow, a working mine, and a potential world-class development play in Serbia.

And, with NSU bouncing just under $4.40 per share, it is still a bargain for the long haul.

But with the Precious Metals rebounding this year, and another very Bullish Sector launching (see Note 1 below), there are Precious Metals and other Opportunities with more upside potential at this time.

Therefore, given our Strategy of Taking Profits when you have them, we suggest you consider:

Selling HALF your remaining position in NSU, today, now.

If you bought NSU when we recommended it at about $2.88 on June 22, 2016, as we write, you should have a profit of approximately 53% in just over two years. That’s about 25% per year annualized.


Best regards,

September 11, 2018

Note 1: After several years of relatively low Volatility in Many Markets, Several Key Climacterics are coming in the next few weeks. This will provide Superb Profit Opportunities for the prepared, and risk of Great Loss for the unprepared.

Deepcaster’s September Letter, “Climacterics Coming,” provides a summary of those Climacterics, posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 2: Deepcaster expects a Major Sector SPIKE / Profit Opportunity Very Soon. The important Term is SPIKE—a Huge Move in one direction followed by a Big Move in the other.

Read Deepcaster’s latest analysis in this week’s Alert, “Major Sector SPIKE/Profit Opportunity Very Soon; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 3: It’s back! After a multi-month Slumber the Mega-Profit Opportunity has returned.

See Deepcaster’s latest BUY RECO in this week’s Alert, “Mega-Profit Opportunity Returns! BUY RECO; & re Forecasts,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 4: Great Profit and Wealth Protection Potential (i.e., a Big H Antidote) in a $7 Stock with 7% Yield — our BUY RECO this week!

Also Stunning Econ News just released confirms our earlier Forecasts. See Deepcaster’s Newest Alert, “The BIG H Antidote $7/7% BUY RECO; & Stunning Econ/Investment News Confirming Our  Earlier Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 5: BIG S.M. and L. Trends — both Leading Indicators — which started weeks ago are now intensifying.

See our Forecasts in our Alert, “BIG S.M. and L (Leading Indicators!) Trends Intensifying; Prepare NOW!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 6: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.

Note 7: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in recent months in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios

  • 40% Profit on a Food Production & Water Rights Company on August 31, 2018 (i.e., about 8% per year Annualized)
  • 28% Profit on a Gold & Mineral Mining Company on July 27, 2018 (i.e., about 14% per year Annualized)
  • 55% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company on May 11, 2018 (i.e., about 8% per year Annualized)
  • 60% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner on March 23, 2018 (i.e., about 44% Annualized)
  • 35% Profit on a High Yield Bond Fund Short on February 6, 2018 (i.e., about 400% Annualized)
  • 50% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company on February 1, 2018 (i.e., about 7.5% Annualized)
  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner on January 4, 2018 (i.e., about 80% Annualized)

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 

Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Take Appx 40% Profit Today NOW!!


Our Fortress Assets Recommendation in May of 2014 is a 100 year old company (Limoneira LMNR) which produces a wide variety of Foods in California and Arizona, develops Real Estate and, perhaps most important, holds water rights to the aquifers and/or other water rights associated with land.

At the time we recommended LMNR, the stock was selling at just under $22.00 per share. We concluded that owning shares in LMNR is an excellent way to own an interest in Food Production and Water Rights. Therefore, given its focus on Agriculture and Water, it provides some downside protection against substantial Market and/or Economic downturns going forward.

As we write, shares are trading above $30.00. That’s about a 40% profit or about 8% Annualized considering gain plus yield. But we believe in taking profits when we have them. Therefore, we offer this recommendation.

Recommendation to Consider:

Sell One Half of your holdings of Limoneira (LMNR) at $30.00 per share or better.


Best regards,

August 31, 2018

Note 1: After several years of relatively low Volatility in Many Markets, Several Key Climacterics are coming in the next few weeks. This will provide Superb Profit Opportunities for the prepared, and risk of Great Loss for the unprepared.

Deepcaster’s September Letter, “Climacterics Coming,” provides a summary of those Climacterics and likely consequences, posted in ‘Latest Letter & Archives’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 2: Paid Subscribers can see All Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations & Bull Sectors posted under SUBSCRIBERS.



We recommended Nevsun Resources (NSU) a couple of years ago. It engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and operation of mineral properties in Africa and now in Serbia. The company explores for gold, copper, zinc, and silver deposits. Its principal property is the Bisha property located in Western Eritrea, North-Eastern Africa, which is relatively stable, nonetheless Somewhat Risky. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada.

And we recommended buying it because of its Free Cash, a working mine, and a potential world-class development play in Serbia.

And, with NSU bouncing just under $4 per share, it is still a bargain for the long haul.

But with the Precious Metals rebounding this year, and another very Bullish Sector launching (see Note 1 below), there are Precious Metals and other Opportunities with more upside potential at this time.

Therefore, given our Strategy of Taking Profits when you have them, we suggest you consider:

Selling HALF your position in NSU, today, now.

If you bought NSU when we recommended it at about $2.88 on June 22, 2016, as we write, you should have a profit of approximately 28% in just over two years. That’s about 14% per year annualized.


See our Forecasts and BUY RECOs…. (See Notes 1 and 4).

Regarding the One Major Force affecting nearly all markets, see Note 2.

Regarding the $US as World Reserve Currency, see Note 3.

Regarding all Deepcaster’s Buy Recommendations for 2018, see Note 4.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button. 

Paid Subscribers Log In has been simplified. See our recent Notice.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

Best Regards,

July 27, 2018

Note 1: Our most recent  Bull Sector BUY RECO generates a Yield of 8+%. It is our fourth recent Recommendation in this Sector and is both Inflation and Crash Resistant coupled with High Gain Potential. And it trades at just over $10 per Share.

See our Recommendation in our BUY RECO Alert, “Bull Sector BUY RECO—8+% Yield,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 2: Increasingly one Major Force is beginning to affect virtually all Markets. Position yourself NOW to Profit, or lose.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “THE BIG D Increasingly THE Major Market Mover Prep. NOW!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note3: The $US as World Reserve Currency and Gold are both under Coordinated Intensified Attack by the Central Bank/Mega-Bank Cartel. Buy our #1 Recommended Asset (Not Gold) for both Profit & Protection.

See our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s Alert, “$US as WRC & Gold Under Cartel Attack! Act NOW; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBERS,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 4: Paid Subscribers can see all Deepcaster’s 2018 Buy Recommendations posted under SUBSCRIBERS.



One Company—the Crème de la Crème of the Precious Metal Streaming Royalty Companies, Royal Gold—has prospered in recent years in spite of the Vagaries of the Precious Metals Markets. It has raised its Dividends for 17 Consecutive years!

And bouncing just above $90 per share, it is still a bargain for the long haul.

But with the Precious Metals rebounding this year, and another very Bullish Sector launching (see Note 1 below), there are Precious Metals and other Opportunities with more upside potential.

Therefore, given our Strategy of Taking Profits when you have them, we suggest you consider:

Selling ALL your remaining position in RGLD, today, now.

If you bought RGLD when we recommended it about $58.70 on June 22, 2011, as we write, you should have a profit of approximately 55% in just under seven years. That’s about 8% per year annualized, not including dividends. Not bad for the Safest of Safe Haven stocks.

To learn more about the very Bullish Sector launching, see Note 1.

Regarding the recent U.S. Tax Cut facilitating Great Gain potential in three of our very recent Buy Recos with 9.55%, 15%, and 6% yield, see Notes 1 and 2.

Regarding Deepcaster’s recent Hi-Yield Buy Recommendations and Key Sector Mega-Moves, see Notes 3 and 4.

Regarding Deepcaster’s 2018 Profits Taken, including 115% and 60% on a Lithium Mining Company, see Note 5.

To Subscribe by Credit Card, click on “SUBSCRIBE” on the Top Menu and select the level of your subscription for secure Checkout and Login.

To ensure you receive Notice of all new Alerts, Letters, Articles and Take Profit Notices, add your email address and click on the RECEIVE NOTICES button.

LOGIN instructions are posted on the ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN’ page (Top Menu).


Best Regards,

May 11, 2018


Note 1: 9.5%, 15%, 6% Plus Great Gain Potential & Recession Resistance BULL Portfolio BUY RECOs! All three recent BUY RECOs in our New BULL Sector Portfolio.

See the Buy Recos and Bull Sector in our Forecasts in this week’s Alert, “9.5%, 15%, 6% Plus Great Gain Prospects & Recession Resistant BULL Sector Portfolio BUY RECOs!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com

Note 2: The recent U.S. Tax Cut should facilitate a Stock Price Gain and rising Yield (9.5% and likely headed higher!) Bonanza for One Company, and a few others in One Highly Favored Category.

See the Company and Category in our Forecasts in Deepcaster’s recent Alert, “9.5% Yielding Tax Cut Victor BUY RECO!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver & Commodities-in-General; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’, under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com

Note 3: Our earlier Forecasted Subsector Mega-Move is now exploding upward. See 15% Yielding BUY RECO is in Key Sector where a Mega-Move is just beginning, revealed in this week’s Alert.

Deepcaster also reveals what “Smart Money” is doing Now in Deepcaster’s Alert, “Key Bullish Sector 15% Yielding BUY RECO!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver & Commodities-in-General; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 4: A Key Sector Mega-Move is just beginning. And Deepcaster recommends a Stock with both a Hi-Yield and Great Gain Prospects.

Deepcaster describes the Strategy to Profit from the Key Sector Mega-Move in this week’s Alert, “Key Sector Mega-Moves Starting; Hi-Yield BUY RECO!; Forecasts: US$/€, U.S. T-Notes, T-Bonds, & Interest Rates; Equities; Gold & Silver & Commodities-in-General; Crude Oil & Copper & Other Commodities,” posted in ‘Alerts Cache’ under the menu item ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN,’ on Deepcaster.com.

Note 5: Our attention to Key Timing Signals and Interventionals and accurate statistics has facilitated Recommendations which have performed well lately. Consider our profits taken in 2018 in our Speculative and Fortress Assets Portfolios* posted under ‘SUBSCRIBER LOGIN

  • 60% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 21 months on March 23, 2018 (i.e., about 44% Annualized)
  • 35% Profit on a High Yield Bond Fund Short after only 34 days on February 6, 2018 (i.e., about 400% Annualized)
  • 50% Profit on a P.M. Streaming Company after only 6.5 years on February 1, 2018 (i.e., about 7.5% Annualized)
  • 115% Profit on a Premier Lithium Miner after only 18 months on January 4, 2018 (i.e., about 80% Annualized)

Deepcaster’s Profits Taken in 2017 and 2016 included such successes as 115%, 105%, 90%, and 55% after just 16 days, 110%, 60% 130% and 75%, 65%, 50% in 2 days, 90%, 80% in 6 days, 110% in 3 days, 265% in 57 days, 65% in 2 days.

*Past Profitable Performance is no assurance of future Profitable Performance.

Take Appx 60% Profit Today NOW!


Pilbara Minerals Limited (PLS.AX) explores for and develops natural resources in Australia and Papua New Guinea, primarily lithium and tantalum.

But PLS’s flagship asset is its Pilgangoora Lithium Project in WA. Before we recommended buying the company it had determined a JORC Resource of 80.2Mt at 1.26% Li2O, equivalent to 1.7Mt of contained LCE.  Thus Pilgangoora appears to be the world’s 2nd largest hard rock lithium deposit, ranking only behind the world class Greenbushes mine.  Compared to other emerging hard rock lithium producers, Pilgangoora ranks above average in terms of size, grade, and costs, as well as demonstrating favourable metallurgy to date, according to reports.

Since Lithium is an essential Element in Modern Battery Technologies, (think, e.g., Electric Cars!), it is no surprise that PLS.AX shares have more than doubled since we recommended it at 54¢ per share, to a high of $1.18.

Important: Though we expect there to be a continuing demand for Lithium for electric cars, etc., considering likely Effects of Key Sector Spikes Up & Key Sector Crashes! (see this Week’s Alert!!) and considering that the share price has fallen back under $1, we believe you should take profit TODAY NOW by selling your remaining shares!

Recommendation to Consider

Sell your remaining shares in PLS.AX.

This should generate about a 60% profit for those who bought when we recommended it (08/3/2016). That’s about 44% Profit annualized.


Best regards,

March 23, 2018


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